_whitelogger has joined #jruby
<headius> enebo: did you push that 0644 permission fix?
<headius> ok so to round out handle_interrupt logic I will need to bifurcate thread events between blocking operations and other polling
<headius> possibly... we may basically be doing it only on blocking edges now anywa
<lopex[m]> numbers
<headius> but that will fill out the :on_blocking setting for Thread.handle_interrupt
<lopex[m]> headius is typing
<headius> it is the only spec we do not pass, and the only MRI test that fails in CI is one that uses it
<headius> lopex: hello there!
<lopex[m]> hello
<lopex[m]> back to the living
<lopex[m]> I suffered terrible crisis
<lopex[m]> turned out it was too much smoking
<headius> well hopefully you are on the mend now
<lopex[m]> olmost
<lopex[m]> almost even
<headius> I will assume you don't have time to look at that transcoder issue and fix it myself 😀
<lopex[m]> also turned out beer want the problem likely
<lopex[m]> yeah, I've seen that
<headius> well that's also good
<headius> I had some gut issues that I was worried were beer but no correlation
<lopex[m]> I guess it might be too much sugar rich cofee
<lopex[m]> as well
<headius> we're getting old my friend
<lopex[m]> yep!
<lopex[m]> turned out too much bad cholesterol and sugar in the blood
<lopex[m]> but it's not that I'm feeling bad physically
<lopex[m]> it's the brain
<lopex[m]> some neurological issues
<lopex[m]> just like you cant focus on anything or dont have any will to work at all
<lopex[m]> bleh
<lopex[m]> now I reduced smoking to a cigarette an hour, and it appears that I'm smoking less than twice
<lopex[m]> er, more that twice
<headius> I have that problem without smoking, but this has been a rough 18 months for everyone 😀
<lopex[m]> but imagine, I'm still smoking like 16 cigaretts a day
<lopex[m]> and it's more than half before
<headius> yeah good to hear that you have been able to cut back
<lopex[m]> that transcoder stuff is always tricky to reduce
<lopex[m]> unless it's an obvious iaobe
<headius> I would bet on another < vs <= sort of issue
<headius> I ported that stuff really quickly
<lopex[m]> yeah, the first thing I'd do is compare to the sources
<headius> right
<lopex[m]> per transcoder is not a big deal wrt source size
<lopex[m]> they're pretty short
<lopex[m]> but I guess It's not a transcoder data issue
<lopex[m]> it's a boring copy from binaries
<lopex[m]> headius: imagine now I'm coding in kotlin mostly lolz
<headius> nice!
<headius> make a sample JRuby extension so we can show people how to extend JRuby with Kotlin
<lopex[m]> implementing banking interfaces
<headius> actually if you want to do something concrete... we have a PR with some kotlin integration tests but never connected it up 😀
<lopex[m]> not that I'm working for baks, it's just a startup
<headius> ahh I see
<lopex[m]> mostly JWS and apis
<lopex[m]> that JWS is pretty funny
<lopex[m]> an RFC :P
<lopex[m]> what can you expect from RFC
<lopex[m]> and all new internet runs that!
<lopex[m]> what happened to old XML-DSIG etc ?
<headius> Java WebStart?
<lopex[m]> json web signature
<lopex[m]> there's also json web encryption
<lopex[m]> and it's all an RFC
<lopex[m]> well pretty well defined, =
<lopex[m]> but
<lopex[m]> on the other hand they have some pretty well maintained impls https://github.com/salesforce/nimbus
<lopex[m]> or the one from https://github.com/auth0
<lopex[m]> headius: ^^
<lopex[m]> er wair
<lopex[m]> sorry for confusion
<lopex[m]> but tech wise all that is pretty slickery
<lopex[m]> comapred to xml
<lopex[m]> headius: I guess we're too old
<headius> there does seem to be differences in the code for fun_so_cp50220_encoder
<headius> starts to diverge about halfway down
<headius> this may be something they fixed and we never picked up
<headius> json web signature, ok
<headius> I was going to say... kotlin and java web start, what an interesting combination
<lopex[m]> web start is dead isnt it ?
<lopex[m]> should I check against onigmo or ruby wrt that ?
<lopex[m]> if it's fun_so_cp5022x_encoder then there's quite a few changes
<lopex[m]> oh it's fun_so_cp50220_encoder
<lopex[m]> nothing obvious
<lopex[m]> ther's also those locale tables that might have changed, bleh