docker run -it ghcr.io/graalvm/graalpy:slim /bin/bash
(graalenv) bash-5.1# python
mattip: works for me. I've had something like that before with images built on top of old centos and cgroupv1 vs v2 differencs iirc
dockerd logs had some hints about what was failing I think
thanks for checking
mattip: Thanks for the review on PR #376. Concerning your suggestion to upgrade GH action `setup-python` to version 4: Should I update all usages? You just updated 2 but we use it 8 times.
sure. Those were all I saw
is there any ABI versioning when the ctx struct is changed?
ah, that's would you meant. Basically yes, we have `int ctx_version` in `HPyContext`. However, we didn't use it so far. IMO, this is because we did not release a stable ABI yet.
I think this version should in the end be the ABI version (so, be in sync with the upcoming ABI tag `hpyX`).