<cfbolz> fangerer, phlebas: I added you and Stepan to the "attending the sprint" people list
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<DuToit> fangerer: That appears to be the issue, should I use a different ABI or should I just leave the testing on GraalPython until I have ported the entire library?
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<fangerer> cfbolz: Okay, should be fine. As I wrote earlier: I just wanted to wait for our official approval. But I think it will work out.
<cfbolz> fangerer: ah, sorry, I apologize. Tim asked me to
<antocuni> fangerer: what is the hotel that you found?
<fangerer> no worries; I'll be at the sprint _most certainly_
<fangerer> we were aiming for https://www.hotel-haus-mooren.de ; but it seems to be a small hotel. Not sure if we all get a room there 🙂
<fangerer> DuToit: you can still test on GraalPython but you need to build Pillow with GraalPython. However, it could be that this doesn't work out of the box. If not, please tell me.
<antocuni> fangerer: ok thanks
<mattip> fangerer: so we should book soon
<mattip> or will you be rethinking the location
<mattip> ?
<fangerer> Stepan and I need to wait for the approval before we can book. I don't know if the hotel then still has free rooms.
<mattip> ok
<phlebas> re hotel, in the worst case we can look at hotels in Duisburg rather than Düsseldorf - much less expensive afaict, but means a longer travel time to the university
<phlebas> but cfbolz would know best re travel time
<antocuni> why is it so hard to find hotels in Duesseldorf? Is there maybe some coincidence with some fair?
<cfbolz> antocuni: there is a small one (but it's extremely hard to find spots in the calender without one now)
<cfbolz> phlebas: it's a bit more than half an hour, yes
<cfbolz> also, is it really *that* hard? if I look, I find quite reasonable rates
<cfbolz> argh, or maybe not? looking again
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