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<ronan> mattip: I don't think it's possible to get rid of dtype objects, especially considering NEP 42
<ronan> Anyway, my main issue ATM is the stack-allocated PyArrayObjects. I believe they're fundamentally incompatible with the HPy model
<fangerer> Do you mean _incompatible_ in the sense of we cannot allocate them on the stack in HPy? I assume this is just an optimization. But if they are stack-allocated, we could just allocate them on the heap and do the appropriate `HPy_Close` when returning from that function.
<ronan> well, allocating on the heap would require some refactoring. Probably doable but a bit painful.
<mattip> there is some long-standing claim that allocating on the stack is faster at runtime
<mattip> but that slightly conflicts with the desire to move to subinterpreters and allow PyFinalize to reset everything
<mattip> it would be nice to be able to put some benchmarking number to the claim about stack vs. heap
<ronan> mattip: another argument against stack allocation is that with NEP 42, these malformed arrays will get passed to random user-written code