<mattip> there is a problem with the debug-mode code as merged to pypy py3.7, it does not seem to be up to date with hpyproject/hpy
<mattip> and there are also failures in the translated -A tests in hpy_tests._vendored.test_cpy_compat
<antocuni> mattip: it is up to date with the release/0.0.2 branch of hpy
<antocuni> and the test_cpy_compat are known failures. But indeed, we should properly skip them
<antocuni> sorry for that :(
<mattip> what to do with windows and the debug backend?
* antocuni answers on heptapod
<antocuni> mattip: I commented
<mattip> thanks
<antocuni> sorry for not being more helpful but I'm in a hurry and will be offline very soon