antocuni: support for 0.0.2 is merged in our current master; the next GraalVM release (scheduled for July 20th) will include the change; nightly builds are already available
fangerer: cool! So we should really try to release 0.0.2 before July 20th, which should be doable
ok, getting somewhere with the pypy bug. It seems that at some point, HandleManager.free_list contains the same index twice
so that two subsequent calls to new() return the same handle, with all kind of funny thing
fangerer: That is great!
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antocuni: I don't know if that's the issue but the free_list logic doesn't seem threadsafe
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hmmm, self.free_list.append(index) fails in a way that corrupts the list?!
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and that happens because handles.close() is called with an RPython exception raised
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aaahh, the problem is that you can't call anything RPython, not even HPyTracker_Close or HPy_Close, with an exception raised
but you need them for cleanup...
ronan: ouch, indeed
I think you got it
I also arrived to the conclusion that the free_list got corrupt, but didn't understand yet what caused it
so, I think that what happens is this:
1. to raise an HPy exception we raise an RPython exception
2. while we are still in C, we call HPy_Close, which causes self.free_list.append() in HandleManager
3. if the free_list doesn't have enough room, it needs to reallocate. But since the RPython exception is set, the malloc think it fails
4. and the funny thing happens
we need to find a fix and/or a workaround for this. I fear that mapping HPy exceptions to RPython exceptions is essential for performance
one possible workaround is to ensure that self.free_list has always as much capacity as self.handles_w, so that self.free_list.append does not causes any reallocation. But it looks more like a hack than a proper fix :(
arigato: ^^^, in case you have any idea
no, it's dumber than that. At 3. it calls ll_list_resize() which merely increments the length field, but then it checks for an exception and sees the one from 1. so it exits from append() without setting the item
I see
but still, my proposed workaround could work
and the result is that self.free_list looks correct but now ends with some random value that was popped previously
no, append() can never work correctly if there is an exception set
ah yes, I see it now
I wonder how it's possible that it works smoothly with -Ojit
I'm wondering too
maybe it's broken too but we don't see it
another possible fix is to have a special RPython construct (maybe a context manager?) to save the possibly existing RPython exception, clear it, run normal RPython code and re-set the original exception back
although it would slow down every call to HPy_Close(), because you would need to check for the exception always
that doesn't seem very different from doing things like in cpyext
well no, you would use this special context manager only in the few carefully selected HPy_* functions which you are allowed to call when an exception is set
we have already decided that you are allowed to call only few of them in that case (and HPy_Close is one of them, obviously)
the biggest problem of the cpyext-style solution is what happens when you cross the border multiple times: you end up catching/reraising exception multiple times, one for each level
* antocuni
-> zzz
I'm not sure it's such a big issue
running code with an exception set isn't normally on the fast path