<antocuni> FWIW I think that mattip's incremental approach is very reasonable and pragmatic. Once everything is complete and fully working, cython could just emit hpy code and rely on the cpython mode to get "old style" extensions
<antocuni> but in the meantime, there will be tons of features that either HPy or Cython+HPy won't support, so making it possible to hpy-ify cython functions one by one sounds like a good idea to me
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<squeaky_pl> If I'm not mistaken the most downloaded pypi package with bindings written in cython is pyyaml. It looks like it uses some CPython API functions explicitly: https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/blob/master/yaml/_yaml.pyx
<mattip> thanks squeaky_pl: indeed!
<mattip> ... although there is https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/pull/264 to remove some of that
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