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<mattip> Hodgestar: how would an implicit transition to hpy-functions take place given code like in the example:
<mattip> def add_int(a: int, b:int):
<mattip> return a + b
<mattip> so cython would parse this into a number of nodes: a top-level function node, then many children nodes (add, allocate assign)
<mattip> currently some of these nodes (in the general case) can be represented as hpy code, and some not
<mattip> and it would be nice to let the user know "your function is completely hpy-compatible" or not
<mattip> but then there would be users who don't care
<mattip> so by marking the function: "please hpy me", we signal:
<mattip> - we expect the whole function to be fast on alternative pythons
<mattip> - if not, let the user know
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<Hodgestar> mattip: I think I see hpy as more of a build / compilation option for Cython, so those could be warnings while building the module?
<Hodgestar> mattip: Although it's a bit odd because your add_int doesn't reference Python.h at all, so it would emit code that uses Python.h as an intermediate step while we're building the HPy backend. It's not a user facing concern.
<Hodgestar> If I think about your "please hpy me" decorator, you'd wanting something which says "please raise an error if this ends up being a legacy method"?
<mattip> yes
<mattip> "add_int doesn't reference Python.h at all" - not sure what you mean
<mattip> could you show an example of good cython code that explicitly references Python.h
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