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<d1b2> <cfy_yfc> @Saggs thanks, that is a nice tutorial on how to build an oscilloscope probe; but probing is not the issue here (since the signal looks well enough at 100 MHz; it just looks crappy when using the Glasgow provided pull-up/pull-down resistors); and using such probes with the Saleae would not work too well either I guess because of the 1:X scaling; my comment regarding the 'shielded wire' vs 'messy jumper wire' was rather general w.r.t. the
<d1b2> comparison of Saleae vs. DSLogic 😆
<d1b2> <Saggs> Yes true, sorry I got a bit confused and jumped in with something else
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<miek> @cfy_yfc: i can't reproduce your issue. for me a ~16MHz square wave looks identical on a scope whether pulls are enabled or not
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