whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: digital interface explorer · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat · production https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow (FUNDED)
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<jevinskie[m]> Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification
<jevinskie[m]> I suppose you could construct shielded harnesses if you wanted to? I’d buy that! I made this interposer to sniff jtag signals to debug a blaster2 problem. I’m just using separate signal and ground. I suppose I could have gone for a flex connector and another adapter board at the saleae… https://postimg.cc/gallery/rr2Q10b
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<d1b2> <cfy_yfc> I think even ribbon cables would be an improvement -- because the signal would be closer/defined to GND and therefore properly referenced; the problem with the jumper wires is that depending on 'cable management' it may be OK but often enough it is not; so the shield is probably not that important in terms of interference but in terms of proper GND that is close to the signals
<d1b2> <cfy_yfc> I will give the ribbon cable a try next week to see if it can be improved
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<d1b2> <Saggs> You might want to try using coaxial cables and a "low impedance resistive probe" approach, like this http://www.sigcon.com/Pubs/straight/probes.htm There's more detailed construction instructions here http://jahonen.kapsi.fi/Electronics/DIY%201k%20probe/ You'd probably want to design a PCB that terminates the coaxial cables with 50R resistors right next to the Glasgow inputs. I'd go for u.FL connections as you can get premade coax leads
<d1b2> terminated in u.FL cheaply, and it's pretty small, though SMA would be nicer
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