dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<bitblt> hello
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<bitblt> i'm trying foot in a wayland compositor and with fractional scaling there seems to be a slight blurryness compared to alacritty
<bitblt> any ideas on this?
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<cbb> bitblt: that sounds like https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1690
<bitblt> they are not thaat blurry, just slightly fuzzy (enough to kinda give a headace after half an hour)
<bitblt> i'm trying this in river compositor
<bitblt> hmm I can reproduce this in both river and sway so I suppose its a wlr-roots issue
<dnkl> or it's just sub-pixel antialising vs grey scale antialising...
<bitblt> does foot use fontconfig?
<bitblt> shouldn't it use the same settings as alacritty from fontconfig?
<dnkl> easy to check, just take a screenshot and zoom in
<dnkl> but yes, foot uses fontconfig
<dnkl> also easy to rule out scaling - just disable desktop scaling and check if the fonts are blurry
<dnkl> fwiw, we've had fractional scaling for a long time and no one has reported any issues. I have never seen any issues either
<bitblt> with fractional scaling off (while they are pretty tiny) they seem pretty crisp
<bitblt> the fuzzyness is veeery subtle
<bitblt> another hint is that it changes if I open another terminal aside foot (when the terminale width changes)
<dnkl> open an issue on codeberg and attach foot log output, and a (as short as possible) WAYLAND_DEBUG trace showcasing the issue. screenshots of a non-working foot vs working Alacritty would also be helpful
<dnkl> (remember to set --log-level info for the foot log)
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<dnkl> also include details of the scaling settings you use in sway
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<dnkl> finally, there are a number of "blurry windows with fractional scaling" issues open on the sway issue tracker, affecting other applications and not just foot. might be a good idea to browse through those...
<dnkl> including closed issues, unless you just sway from the master branch
<bitblt> ok i'm doing some tests and this slight blurryness seems like a general problem
<bitblt> i modified alacritty and foot to have the same paddings and tab between them and they both excibit the same behavior
<bitblt> kinda weird given that with the same exact scaling in xorg alacritty does not have this blurryness
<bitblt> fontconfig settings are exactly the same, and i'm looking at foot's debug logs and the dpi values that I see do not exactly make sense
<bitblt> my resolution is 2560x1600 in a 16" laptop screen (in the VM QEMU Monitor reports 30.05" according to foot logs though)
<bitblt> in xorg i have 175% scaling which gives me 168 dpi value as result
<bitblt> foot reports DPI=100.47/114.75 (physical/scaled) which I do not know how to interpret
<dnkl> xorg are completely different, you can't compare the two
<dnkl> monitor DPI isn't used by default - the scaling you set in the compositor is
<bitblt> dnkl: can you explain me what these DPI values mean?
<dnkl> physical refers to the actual monitor DPI given the reported resolution and monitor size
<dnkl> logical is the same, but adjusted for the monitor scaling
<dnkl> neither is used in any way, unless you set dpi-aware=yes
<bitblt> ok this part does not make sense to me: even with a monitor dpi 100.47 given the resolution 2560x1600 and diagonal size of 30.05, shouldn't the 'logical' dpi be 100.47 * scale witch in my case is set to 1.75?
<dnkl> no, because fractional scaling is reported in a different way. the scaling adjusted dpi comes from the scaling value associated with the monitor, which is integer based. thus 2
<dnkl> welcome to Wayland :)
<dnkl> scaling in Wayland has gone through a couple of different approaches, and we need to be compatible with all of them
<bitblt> the only reason I want to switch to a wayland compositor after maaany years on my stable xorg/bspwm setup is for the mixed hidpi scaling
<bitblt> and i thought setting up scaling on xorg was hard :(
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<bitblt> yeah I read it yesterday, but I suppose today almost everything should support the new wayland fractional scaling protocol?
<dnkl> no idea about other applications...
<dnkl> it's still fairly new
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