dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.18.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<sentriz> hi all, when doing show-urls-copy, with a program that does osc8 links for local files, the link copied to the clipboard has the file:// protocol. for example with ripgrep
<sentriz> is there anyway to copy just the path? or some workaround?
<jpp> nano ~/.config/foot/foot.ini
<jpp> And add:
<jpp> [key-bindings]
<jpp> show-urls-launch=Control+Shift+o
<dnkl> sentriz: I'm afraid that's currently not possible
<dnkl> it might make sense to change show-urls-copy (but not show-urls-launch) to strip file:// on local URIs, but I'm not sure. I would suggest opening a ticket so that we can gather opinions
<sentriz> thanks dnkl 👍
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<llyyr> is it expected that upgrading to 1.11.0 causes ~/.cache/fuzzel to be deleted?
<llyyr> If I have a 1.10.2 binary and a 1.11.0 binary, they will delete the cache file written by the other version
<llyyr> Oh, I see. The newer version saves the entry as the .desktop file name, while the older ones used to save it as the "Name" field of the .desktop file