dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.14.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<anarcat> hello!
<anarcat> how do themes work again? i found the themes/ dir in the source tree, but i can't tell how to load them, short of rewriting my foot.ini
<anarcat> i found https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/wiki#dynamic-color-changes but it's not clear to me how this picks a theme and seems to assume i know and want theme.sh :p
<Arnavion> include=/path/to/theme
<Arnavion> Themes are config fragments. You include them just like any config fragment, with main.include
<anarcat> oh dear, there's an include, interesting
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<dviola> dnkl: hi, I've just received a new vim update that fixes the issue that I reported the other day
<dviola> ranger and nnn are still broken though
<dnkl> dviola: they should be fixed by the next ncurses patch release, 20230610
<dviola> dnkl: oh, good to know, thanks
<anarcat> Arnavion: it would still be nice to have a runtime way to switch themes
<Arnavion> Runtime switching is what the wiki link you found is about
<anarcat> yeah, i'm not sure i understand how that works
<anarcat> i SIGUSR1 ... zsh?
<anarcat> oh i guess that's how it's flipped within the shell, uh
<dnkl> anarcat: at the core, you send OSC escapes to the terminal to change the color palette. The theme.sh file linked from the wiki just wraps it in a user friendly(friendlier) way
<anarcat> but then if i want to flip all my terminals to the new theme, i need to find a way to inject those escapes in all those terminals
<dnkl> you iterate /dev/pts (?)
<dnkl> don't remember the exact path 😅
<anarcat> lol
<anarcat> yeah, it's /dev/pts
<anarcat> i think i'll keep to this simpler version
<anarcat> which i think is two entry points and a symlink
<anarcat> or maybe just a theme.ini symlink
<anarcat> er it looks like i never upstreamed my srcery theme eh
<anarcat> wait so i could just printf >> /dev/pts/... to get it do to my bidding?
<anarcat> it would be nice to have a shell wrapper that would take a theme file and shove it in that pts directly
<anarcat> i mean color.sh is nice, but it needs to be injected in every shell i might pop open in foot... that doesn't work for me because i often `foot -e ssh` directly into other machines
<anarcat> or bypass the shell in general (e.g. `foot -e top`)
<anarcat> at least part of my problem is fixed (PR sent!)
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