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<brocellous> Ok so, this isn't foot related but I dunno where else to ask: how can I create a custom terminfo? I want to create a terminfo for the linux console that advertises smkx/rmkx support. afaict it has supported the necessary escapes since the beginning of time idk why terminfo doesn't have them.
<brocellous> The terminfo(5) manpage has a section about similar terminals which seems very relevant, and an example which removes smkx/rmkx settings
<brocellous> but I just can't tell what it's talking about with the "use=" clause, since termfino db don't have a plaaintext format I don't know where/how a use= clause can be applied.
<brocellous> linux should have smkx='\E[?1h\E=' and rmkx='\E[?1l\E>' afaict
<brocellous> oh actually I found the tic(1) command and I think I figurd it out. I copied the example with the escapes above and compiled with tic.
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<brocellous> oh dang I was hoping to add control+arrow keys but I don't think it actually supports that.
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<cbb> brocellous: when you say "I don't think it actually supports that"... do you mean the linux console or terminfo?
<cbb> see `man user_caps` and `infocmp -x tmux` for the terminfo side
<cbb> the Linux console can be made to support Ctrl+arrows with a little extra configuration
<cbb> e.g. with a custom KEYMAP= in /etc/vconsole.conf or loadkeys(1)
<brocellous> cbb: the linux console
<brocellous> I do use a keymap in console.conf with caps as escape, I'll see if I can get Ctrl+arrow to work.
<cbb> brocellous: I can share my keymap if it'd help?
<brocellous> yeah it would
<cbb> it could perhaps use some more comments, but that's what I've been using for a while
<brocellous> thanks, I'll check it out
<cbb> no worries
<cbb> the F* numbers need to be unique though, so make sure any you've already defined don't clash with those ones
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