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<davidlt> rwmjones, FYI, I am almost done with Ocaml 5.1 in F40
<davidlt> So far everything looks OK
<rwmjones> cool
<rwmjones> I think I test built the ocaml RPM (only) on RISC-V
<rwmjones> that has some tests
<rwmjones> but I didn't check anything else
<rwmjones> the old riscv64 backend was pretty solid (once we fixed a few bugs in it)
<rwmjones> I don't know if the new backend is just the old backend with some minor changes or a rewrite
<rwmjones> I sort of assume it must be the first one
<rwmjones> also it still doesn't choose compressed instructions properly
<davidlt> rwmjones, mostly likely I will have v6.5.12 (once it's out) for F38 (with non-EFI kernel)
<rwmjones> ok
<davidlt> also, you should join Matrix ;)
<davidlt> There is more talk happening on the Matrix side
<rwmjones> yup
<rwmjones> need to find the plugin
<davidlt> btw, we have passed 50% mark on f40 content
<rwmjones> cool!
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<davidlt> LPC 2023 - RISC-V MC - James River Salon A
<rwmjones> thanks
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