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<davidlt[m]> djdelorie: it depends what that is. In general I try to keep a single job on it. The only time it's two jobs, if it's building SRPM (there is enough IOPS for that thanks to NVMe).
<djdelorie> I was hoping to add a glibc builder trybot for upstream CICD
<davidlt[m]> If two build jobs are cooking most likely both or one of them will crash.
<davidlt[m]> Would that run constantly?
<djdelorie> so worst case is like two glibcs building at once
<djdelorie> no, only when a patch is sent to the mailing list
<davidlt[m]> Well glibc shouldn't use too much RAM per GCC instance.
<davidlt[m]> Wouldn't it be better to just power down kojid (frees all the jobs)?
<davidlt[m]> That probably would have a significant impact.
<djdelorie> if there were some way to pause it, and wait for jobs to finish, sure, but CICD needs to be fully automatic
<davidlt[m]> Ok. Why discuss it? Why not just attempt it now for some days? :)
<davidlt[m]> I just rolled out from the bed :)
<djdelorie> because asking is easier than setting up all the software on the board just to watch it all crash ;-)
<davidlt[m]> I would just avoid explicitly sending something heavy to your board :)
<djdelorie> it's ok if it just takes longer (I bumped swap to 16M)
<djdelorie> you would never know when it's ok to send heavy things though
<davidlt[m]> I do bind some high priority builds to specific boards manually.
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, running now 11 boards (only during a day until fans are replaced). I kinda want monitoring, but I don't want to waste resources on that.
<davidlt[m]> I am for a real life test on it.
<davidlt[m]> If we find that this has huge impact on both, modify the CI/CD trybot to do systemctl {start,stop} kojid.
<davidlt[m]> Yes, there is a way to wait for the job to finish too.
<djdelorie> I recall investigating that before and not finding a way to wait...
<davidlt[m]> You could kojid disable-host, then wait until host jobs weight is down to 0.0.
<djdelorie> that works locally?
<davidlt[m]> Koji has APIs :)
<davidlt[m]> You really want Task Load3.62 to go 0.0
<davidlt[m]> and Enabled? yes to no
<djdelorie> ok, I have food for thought and a plan for tomorrow then - read up on kojid controls and add trybot
<djdelorie> thanks!
<davidlt[m]> koji disable-host unmatched.delorie.com
<davidlt[m]> That would basically remove it from Koji infra until enabled again
<davidlt[m]> The existing jobs would continue IIRC
<davidlt[m]> koji hostinfo unmatched.delorie.com
<davidlt[m]> grep for "Task Load: 3.62"
<djdelorie> $ koji hostinfo unmatched.delorie.com
<djdelorie> No such host: unmatched.delorie.com
<davidlt[m]> It also prints active buildroots:
<davidlt[m]> Active Buildroots:
<davidlt[m]> f37-build-645259-72285 BUILDING 2022-10-10 21:31:28
<djdelorie> or do I need to be root?
<davidlt[m]> You need to setup koji config to point to fedora.riscv.rocks
<davidlt[m]> Otherwise you are talking to the main Fedora Koji
<djdelorie> does the host key I have for building, let me authenticate with the server?
<davidlt[m]> No, you have a separate user account IIRC
<davidlt[m]> (which you probably never used)
<davidlt[m]> Yes, I see 0 tasks from your account.
<davidlt[m]> To disable/enable host I probably also need to give you admin permissions.
<davidlt[m]> I could pull your certificates from the server and send you them.
<djdelorie> and neither firefox nor chrome will connect to fedora.riscv.rocks due to ancient certificates
* djdelorie hates the "we won't let you do what you used to do" controls
<djdelorie> no rush, I need to get to bed myself, but if you could set me up that would be great
<davidlt[m]> Ok, later in the day as I want to get that coffee now :)
<davidlt[m]> Ah, that's because we run HTTP :D
<djdelorie> I am not as important as coffee ;-)
<davidlt[m]> All browsers will not allow opening it.
<davidlt[m]> I think.
<davidlt[m]> We will move Koji thus hopefully someone takes care of setting up TLS certificate on the host or on a proxy or something :)
<davidlt[m]> I could instead make a custom length Ethernet cables for the boards ;)
<davidlt[m]> A smart person would assign static IPv4 for each board, but where is the fun in that?
<davidlt[m]> nmap ping and arp cache allows to find it by MAC address :)
<davidlt[m]> So I can do "boardinfo <random thing, like mac, koji host, etc.>" and I get serial, mac, ip, path to serial console, etc.
<davidlt[m]> Later on I have to go to Ansible of course
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<davidlt[m]> djdelorie: I will need to generate a new certificate for your user
<djdelorie> it's that old?
<djdelorie> ;-)
<davidlt[m]> I think we never regenerated one for you since we moved Koji to a new server.
<djdelorie> I don't recall ever needing to log in to that koji, so makes sense.
<davidlt[m]> I am gonna get some food and will be back to do that.
<davidlt[m]> What email should I put into certificate (probably doesn't matter)?
<djdelorie> dj@delorie.com
<davidlt[m]> djdelorie: will be sending new certs via email in a minute
<djdelorie> ok
<davidlt[m]> djdelorie: done
<davidlt[m]> You could copy default /etc/koji.conf.d/fedora.conf and place in ~/.koji/fedorariscv.conf or something.
<davidlt[m]> Adjust it as described.
<djdelorie> got it
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<djdelorie> davidlt[m]: insalled, I can query koji but not change anything: [ERROR] koji: ActionNotAllowed: host permission required
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