dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<rwmjones_> morning
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<davidlt[m]> morning
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<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: experiment, another 10 boards are online (only during the day [fan replacements still to happen]).
<davidlt[m]> So far peak bandwidth was ~44MB/s (<400Mbps)
<davidlt[m]> But close to 4GB of data have been moved via a switch pretty much within minutes.
<davidlt[m]> This is for SRPM building
<davidlt[m]> I see my uplink port utilization spiked to 70%, that probably means a jump to 700Mbps (?)
<davidlt[m]> It's switching to buildArch now.
<davidlt[m]> Almost 5G of data moved
<davidlt[m]> Uplink is trying to stabilize at <30% utilization
<davidlt[m]> 5.5G
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<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: jive.home.annexia.org is dead
<davidlt[m]> No pings since yesterday
<davidlt[m]> Uh, new peak 63.2MB/s (~500Mbps)
<davidlt[m]> 10+G an hours so far transferred
<davidlt[m]> s/hours/hour/
<davidlt[m]> The noise is terrible, that I can confirm too. I guess, vibrations cause most of that.
<Esmil> davidlt[m]: is that 10 unmatched boards, because that noise really would be terrible :)
<davidlt[m]> Esmil: yes (and there will be more)
<davidlt[m]> Fan replacements will come later
<davidlt[m]> I am really surprised how that tiny crap could even vibrate my table
<Esmil> ah, nice. yeah, the first thing I did when I got my unmatched was to get the chassis fan working, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to keep the cpu temp down
<davidlt[m]> I am probably lucky. My main board can work 40-60 minutes on heavy load without a fan before thermals kill it.
<davidlt[m]> In a closed PC case a slow fan is enough to keep it running.
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones had troubles keeping his boards working properly during heat waves in UK this summer.
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<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: looking ..
<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: on nujive, kojid is still running but there are no jobs
<rwmjones> I'll restart it, one sec
<rwmjones> .. done
<davidlt[m]> probably it's kojid crapping out :)
<davidlt[m]> I hate that it does it, it's kinda random, and there could be multiple reasons for it
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<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: check nujive.home.annexia.org
<davidlt[m]> ping is off by 2+ hours
<davidlt[m]> it has no jobs, but again not talking to Koji for the last 2 hours
<somlo> davidlt: building the latest linux on my 8-core, 32-GB qemu VM (with `make olddefconfig` against the standard fedora kernel's config file
<somlo> been at it for 14 hours, still cooking :)
<davidlt[m]> somlo: nice!
<davidlt[m]> So the board is faster ;)
<somlo> but once it's done, I'm hoping I can just make small changes to the uart driver and rebuild, and it should take much less time :)
<davidlt[m]> Yup
<davidlt[m]> well it depends
<somlo> I know, if I change debug flags like e.g PROVE_LOCKING I will have to rebuild the whole thing
<somlo> but just small modifications to a single driver should be cheap
<somlo> one of these days I'll have to ask for a recommendation on a good hardware board to buy, but for qemu it is (and it's (much?) faster than my fpga, even the one running at 100MHz :)
<somlo> but it's really not about the speed for me, it's about the self-hosting :)
<davidlt[m]> Cheap: JH7110
<davidlt[m]> Otherwise SiFive/Intel Horse Creek
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<davidlt[m]> On native development you want speed :)
<somlo> davidlt[m]: are these available for ordering anywhere?
<davidlt[m]> No, nothing is :)
<somlo> I'm likely to try to guilt my boss into ordering one for me, so straightforward order forms would help (as opposed to kickstarter campaigns and such like :)
<davidlt[m]> No yet, but at soonish (?) // weeks, well more months away
<somlo> well, there you go, it's qemu for the likes of me :)
<davidlt[m]> RISC-V Summit is soon :)
<somlo> I should get out more, I know :)
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<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: again?!
<rwmjones> checking ..
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<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: it looks completely fine
<rwmjones> there are no jobs running but I see no errors or anything from kojid
<rwmjones> I can restart kojid if you like
<davidlt[m]> restart
<davidlt[m]> is the network on? :)
<rwmjones> I hope so, I'm accessing it over the network too :-)
<rwmjones> shall I restart kojid and then you can try sending a job straight after?
<rwmjones> ok I restarted kojid, can you send something?
<davidlt[m]> it's on and talking to Koji
<rwmjones> it's weird that it keeps losing the connection, afaik nothing is happening here
<rwmjones> & nufive is on the same network, so you'd think if something was affecting one it would affect the other
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<djdelorie> davidlt[m]: if I add a second robo-builder to my unmatched, will things go badly when two big builds happen at once?