frigo: I almost proposed trying to test that changing a PCR value would break the unlock
frigo: by creating a data volume instead of using the rootfs, then sealing to PCR 8
frigo: but we wouldn't really prove much, since the CoreOS second boot uses different kernel arguments than the first one
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(I was thinking we'd reboot once to prove that it worked, then change the PCR and reboot again to prove that we broke it)
not sure if there's a PCR that we could use in that way
yes, we can use PCR8 for that
except we can't first prove that reboot works correctly, right?
since it hashes the cmdline, it breaks after the first reboot (where the firstboot parameter disappears...)
i.e., it's possible that the reboot breaks for unrelated reasons
yeah indeed it's completely broken :D
well, the simple test is still an improvement
at least it document a bit the usage of custom bindings (although in practice, it's useless in the current state of the technology...). For data volume we can bind against a PCR, then mount/unmount to prove it works, then run tpm2_pcrextend to change the PCR value, then prove we cannot mount anymore. Maybe that would work
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frigo: oh yeah, that sounds good
I'm going to take my time. I see multiple failed builds for my pull request. Should I cancel the pull request? to prevent consuming resources uselessly and save the planet
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the problem we saw this morning makes sense now. the multi-arch builders have newer rpm-ostree (rpm-ostree-2022.11-2.fc36.s390x) where the one built and is on quay has the older one (rpm-ostree-2022.10-3.fc36.x86_64) - this PR should fix that: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/pull/2993
I have a semi-related question, though.
I want to make sure we don't somehow get our fedora prod ostree repos into a bad state.
i.e. if we import one of these new commits into those repos using a newer rpm-ostree/ostree (in our importer container) will other processes in Fedora (like the pungi composes) still be able to access and read/write the repo?
we're just changing how we wrap up an ostree commit in a container image
the ostree data model and format has not changed
IOW, `ostree container unencapsulate` *entirely discards* the container wrapping metadata and just unpacks the underlying ostree data
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now there is a separate flow `container store` that *doesn't* discard the container data - and that's what we use client side for upgrades - it's how we avoid re-fetching layers that haven't changed
try using e.g. `ostree refs` after rebasing on a container client side (also interesting to do with and without chunking)
since we're not setting `deploy_via_container: true`, the disk images we create have no reference or trace of the container
but - once we decide to pull the trigger and ship updates via container images, we flip on that flag and the disk images we generate will be "primed" from day 0 to avoid re-pulling container layers that haven't changed
now the ostree side has all carefully kept this mostly feature gated - as I said the discontinuity here was flipped on by https://github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/pull/2970 which we can revert if we want
walters: stamped
walters: interesting..
and it only happens on our rawhide stream because we only set 'oci-chunked' there?
i think we should just be able to check the existence of /etc/issue.d/22_clhm_ens6.issue (substitue `ens6` with whatever NIC exists on the system)
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yes dustymabe i can look into writing a test case for that.