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<mps> I have problem with string grow in loop, using this `str += second_str` is very slow for big number of iterations
<mps> is there a better way to do this?
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<mps> maybe IO::Memory is solution
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<mps> yes
<mps> yes
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<riza> mps: if you can, check out -- it's built for that sort of thing
<mps> riza: I did, but it doesn't fit well in part of code I'm using in this case
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<riza> yeah, I get that. The block notation kind of wants a specific way of formatting yoru code
<riza> you can do a string builder without the block notation, and then pass the builder around a bit, too...but it's obviously not what was intended by the designer
<mps> riza: tbh I still learning crystal and because this I'm trying to avoid 'smart' tricks and concentrate on coding style which fits to my previous programming experience
<mps> riza: I solved today problem with IO::Memory and I learned about it. So, it was good day and crystal saved me of big headache for one task on my $day_job
<riza> awesome!
<riza> I love hearing about folks using crystal professionally -- I cannot for the life of me find any work that's interested in crystal
<mps> yes, no big and famous company behind crystal to promote or even force it
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<riza> mps: here's a place where I used String::Builder without the block invocation, in case you're interested: