Blacksmoke16: I started a new pet-project with athena, avram and graphql. I've told you this many times, but once again: kudos for athena. It's so well designed. I love it <3
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I discovered a major drawback in the graphql shard though (not yours, i know): It's not possible to use a dataloader. Furthermore, i haven't seen any dataloader implementation in crystal... It would seem to be quite straight forward since the good fiber support in crystal. I think the hard part is to make the graphql resolver resolve fields asynchronously.
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<Blacksmoke16> 💪 thanks dude, glad to hear :)
<Blacksmoke16> unfortunately i never used graphql so im not sure what that means xD
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heh :)
well since you have great freedom in what you query (e.g. author { books { publisher { name } } }) you really quickly end up with N+1 queries (like in my example because you will query the publisher for each book instead of all publishers with any of the book ids.
this is where dataloaders come into play. They batch the db requests. They usually have a #load(id) method or something similar, which adds the id to a batch. After a "while" (say a millisecond or so) the loader then calls a batch loading function you have to implement for each loader with all ids that have been requested. The #load function waits until the batch loading is done and picks the
result from the array of results from the batch loading.
<Blacksmoke16> is that something you could make a PR for? :P
i think a dataloader would have to be an own shards
<Blacksmoke16> deff sounds like it would be useful. never really thought about N+1 query stuff in graphql tho. makes sense since you dont have control over the queries (or do you?)
<Blacksmoke16> oh its not part of graphql itself?
no it's not
yeah you don't really have control over the queries
<Blacksmoke16> ahh gotcha gotcha
authorization is also fun :D
i could make a pull request which would parallelize the resolving of fields in graphql
this would be a prequisite for this to work, because the load(id) calls have to happen in parallel.
<Blacksmoke16> by parallel im assuming you mean via fibers? parallel would require the MT flag
yeah fibers
concurrently :)
<Blacksmoke16> afaik if you implement that correctly it should just work when MT becomes the default (or is enabled by the user)
<Blacksmoke16> could be a nice win too
it should work in any case. doesn't need MT.
<Blacksmoke16> could be worth it yea
<Blacksmoke16> which shard are you using for it?
<Blacksmoke16> and btw, if you haven't seen, https://athenaframework.org/Routing/RoutingHandler/ might be helpful if you're really only using the routing features versus DI and all that other stuff
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<Blacksmoke16> wew thats a good chunk of macro code
yeah i looked at it but i needed DI anyway :)
<Blacksmoke16> in some (most?) cases you can prob get away with just using `AttributeDefinition`
<Blacksmoke16> esp when you're already within a type in he `Amazonite::DynamoDB` namespace
You can also use alias to create a short-form of a longer definition
<Blacksmoke16> otherwise you could use private aliases
<Blacksmoke16> ^ yea, for some of my stuff i expose some aliases on the top level that can be used to avoid the first two part of the type into a 3 or 4 letter name
<rjnienaber> that's definitely close to what I'm thinking of. Would it be possible to write a macro that is the equivalent of `private alias ScalarAttributeType = Amazonite::DynamoDB::*` ?
<Blacksmoke16> you'd inherently have that already as `private alias ScalarAttributeType = Amazonite::DynamoDB`
<rjnienaber> that's for a single type though, right? In my scenario, there would be a need for many `alias` statements so i'm trying to avoid having 20 lines of declarations at the top of the file. Something more akin to how `require "./core/*"` works, but for bringing in all the types of a namespace
<rjnienaber> sorry if i'm incorrectly mixing up terminology