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I am using sqlitedb and one filed is json field. But when I pull that from db and and I do data.class it says "String" So crystal thinks it's a String. (json string) ?
Anyways what's the best way to serialize this string that is json string?
Well actually parsing it
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How should I debug this. I have json_string and when running JSON.parse(json_string) I get: Error: no overload matches 'JSON.parse' with type (Float64 | Int64 | Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil)
json_string looks like this: `{"blog_title":"1. januar 2018","title":"null","verse_id":""}`
Ok I see why
Because my json_string must be wrapped inside double quotes like this: `json_data = JSON.parse("#{json_string}")`
And now when I json_data.class I get JSON::Any
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