<Blacksmoke16> but named args would make it so you could supply the 2nd of 3 args and skip the first
<Blacksmoke16> which you cant do via positional args
<Blacksmoke16> as it requires they be positional, in order of the defined args
ok, too bad, found a great place to use partials, but need named args :)
<Blacksmoke16> any reason you just cant use positional args?
yes, the method I'm trying to call in the end only accepts named args
i.e. def something(*, a, b, c)
and even if it didn't have * in front, it supports many (optional) named args, and trying to remember which position they're in would be unmanageable
<Blacksmoke16> and to be clear, you're converting this method into a proc? Or was that just an example?
<Blacksmoke16> because i dont even think you can call the proc if the method has required named only args
<Blacksmoke16> and that might be/is probably a bug
ah indeed, that's the problem even before the partial
Interesting limitation
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<ondreian> 👋 I recently divided up a bunch of tests using a tag `terraform`, basically a couple of `describe` blocks now `tags: "terraform"` and running `crystal spec --tag "~terraform"` executes as I would expect (runs all tags not tagged with `terraform`), but `crystal spec --tag "terraform"` just exits silently with status 0 and no tests appear to have been run, even if I add the `-v` flag
<Blacksmoke16> what if you drop the quotes
<ondreian> removing the quotes doesn't seem to have an effect, I have also done this before with tagged tests. If I change the tag from `terraform` it works
<ondreian> like if I rename it `with-terraform`
<Blacksmoke16> oh interesting
<ondreian> Do make matters even weirder, I just bootstrapped a new app using `crystal init app tag-test` and added the `terraform` tag to the skeleton spec there and it works as expected
<Blacksmoke16> does it work if you just run the one file on its own?
<asterite> also happens without the quotes around terraform?
<ondreian> yup
That is really weird
The MissingOption error suggests something weird is happening. But you said, originally there was no error, the specs just didn't execute anything?
And that error only shows up when you run a specific file? Or any file?
Maybe you can add some diagnostic instrumentation to the spec runner (in stdlib location at `spec.cr`). Something like `p! Spec.option_parser.@handlers`
<ondreian> I changed the tag back to `terraform` and added `p! Spec.option_parser.@handlers` to the first line of the file containing the `describe` block with that tag, as well as the `spec_helper.cr` file (just in case) ⏎ ⏎ ``` crystal spec --tag "terraform"``` ⏎ ⏎ but still just a silent exit [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=6111924e7bc44d0a47129b1e]
<ondreian> it happened on a Circle CI server as well, so not just my machine (also changed my shell from fish to basic `sh` just to be sure it wasn't something weird there)
Please try adding that p! line to spec.cr in the stdlib (or copy that file to a local folder and include it instead of the stdlib's)
<ondreian> aha
<ondreian> if I add a `terraform` folder (where all the terraform scripts go) it happens
<ondreian> even on a fresh `crystal init`
Okay, then you probably can use --tag=terraform syntax and it works
<ondreian> yup, that is true
<ondreian> ` crystal spec --tag="terraform"` works perfectly (even if the folder is present)
Then culprit is the `crystal spec` command, which is more or less just an alias for `crystal run` which also gathers files to run specs on.
It recognizes any argument that also exists as a folder as a path argument
That's just pretty dumb, but the compiler command can't know any better because it does not actually parse the runtime spec options
It does not know that `--tag terraform` is an option name plus value
An example of the opposite interpretation would be `--error-trace terraform`: `--error-trace` does not receive a value, so `terraform` is a positional argument
<ondreian> yeah, appreciate the explanation. I think documenting this oddity would be a good fix, all of the official documentation at: https://crystal-lang.org/reference/guides/testing.html#tagging-specs ⏎ Doesn't even mention using `=` syntax, when that should probably be the default
<ondreian> which is part of the reason why I was so confused
= syntax is just much more reliable
<ondreian> I opened a PR to document this behavior: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-book/pull/535 but my brain is about dead for the day so someone should definitely proof read it :slight_smile:
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Btw. your PR is the first one that gets an automated deploy preview =)