jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbridge> <tim> luna: thanks for sharing
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: csvlens: 0.11.0 -> 0.12.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: suitesparse: 7.8.3 -> 7.9.0
<luna> np listening to it myself atm
<r0ni> I feel like this guy failed at crux...
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<cruxbridge> <tim> Still nice, I mean I'm sure there is a few valid points. Installing the slackware package manager surely isn't, but oh well :D
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<cruxbridge> <tim> But not finding imagemagick sure sounds weird heh
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<r0ni> i mean yeah, he got it, he understands some things, but not finding imagemagick made me wonder if he even looked
<r0ni> and installing and then just going for pkgsrc.. seems like cheating. sure I'd guess it works.. but why? lol
<r0ni> he is right about the docs tho, its designed so one would completely miss steps, I get that. people prob want a numbered list instead or available
<cruxbridge> <tim> Yeah, that's a fair point
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<cruxbot> [core/3.7]: dhcpcd: updated to version 10.2.1
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<SiFuh> luna and r0ni. I didn't like it. I think you are right r0ni, that he had failed in CRUX.
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: libetonyek: updated for mdds 3.0; closes #30
<darfo> thanks for #30 time
<darfo> time -> time
<darfo> time -> tim. boy my fingers like to type time.
<cruxbridge> <tim> :D yw darfo
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<joe9> can anyone please help me with this compilation issue? https://dpaste.com/BJBLRE2HE.txt
<joe9> I can see the function jwt_free() defined in /usr/lib/libjwt.so but for some reason ld cannot find it.