jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<uwumeowmeownyaa> The program didn't start eventually, by the way. So I decided that I don't need this program anymore.
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<brian|lfs> curious anyone try building elfutils 0.191 on GCC 14.2?
<brian|lfs> seems to fail for me
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<ppetrov^> uwumeowmeownyaa, what program were you trying to start?
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> ppetrov^: FluffyChat by krille-chan, the cutest instant messenger in the [matrix]. The reason is it has pink theme, so it would suit my desktop.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: There is like next to zero difference between many of the 6.6.x kernel configurations.
<ppetrov^> thanks SiFuh
<SiFuh> Must be only updating code or not x86-64 stuff.
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<SiFuh> ppetrov^: https://dpaste.com/B6PGHUH9A.txt diff between 35 and 50
<ppetrov^> mhm
<ppetrov^> uwumeowmeownyaa, so you made your own port for the fluffychat and it does not start?
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> ppetrov^: No, I don't know how to make my own ports. Instead, I downloaded an archive, extracted it, and kept launching the extracted binary and installing libraries from ports until I had to install a library that was not present on ports.
<ppetrov^> to make a port, there's the tool `prtcreate`
<ppetrov^> and prtcreate comes with nice build templates for the different build systems
<ppetrov^> say you want to make a port for foo
<ppetrov^> mkdir foo
<ppetrov^> cd foo
<ppetrov^> prtcreate autotools
<ppetrov^> if the build system is autotools
<ppetrov^> or prtcreate meson for meson, etc
<ppetrov^> for the fluffy thing, i don't know what you need, but you can make a port, install it and then use revdep to check what libraries you are missing
<ppetrov^> uwumeowmeownyaa, making your own ports is one of the most fun things in crux :P
<uwumeowmeownyaa> I will learn how to create ports to port "bspwm" and "sxhkd" then. I hate what FluffyChat build process might look like.
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<ppetrov^> uwumeowmeownyaa, for first port start with someting easy, which does not have many dependencies and if it does, preferably they can be found in opt or contrib
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> I have seen many packages taking pre-built TTF files from somewhere, without building them. For example, Liberation fonts require some python libraries, and the related ports only downloads TTF files. Is it a good practice?
<ppetrov^> TTFs won't work without python libs?
<ppetrov^> i am not experienced with fonts but being blissfully ignorant, i thought having TTF was quite enough
<uwumeowmeownyaa> On the one hand, I hate Python so much it's unreal, so I'd rather not install a Python library when I don't have to. On the other hand, by only installing TTF files one loses ability to reproduce the build process...
<ppetrov^> what fonts are we talking about?
<ppetrov^> liberation?
<uwumeowmeownyaa> Yes, I've only checked them so far.
<ppetrov^> to build TTF maybe you need some libs, to use TTF i guess you don't?
<uwumeowmeownyaa> This is true.
<ppetrov^> what other fonts do you need?
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> I need plenty and most of them need Python libraries (to be built). For example, the Noto CJK font.
<ppetrov^> there's a noto port
<ppetrov^> does in include this cjk
<uwumeowmeownyaa> I'm afraid of using ports from contrib or user collections because they might download viruses on my crypto-system.
<uwumeowmeownyaa> Also, the Noto font port does not include the CJK font. But it's easy to write a port for it.
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<ppetrov^> about contrib, ask the devs but i doubt they are dangerous
<uwumeowmeownyaa> There was a note on the handbook recommending to treat contrib packages the special way because anyone can share anything, including malicious code. At least, this is how I understood the written.
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<ppetrov^> contrib is not exactly a "free for all" ports collection
<ppetrov^> you can ask farkuhar more about it
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> Okay then :-)
<farkuhar> https://crux.nu/Wiki/ContribMembers only lists four contrib-uters at present. There used to be a lot more.
<uwumeowmeownyaa> Oh, this seems nice, I will sure install more contrib packages then.
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<ppetrov^> thanks farkuhar
<farkuhar> I'd prefer to leave the cautionary note in the handbook as it is, in hopes that eventually we might recruit more CRUX users to help maintain that repo. A healthy return to the old days when contrib received commits from 10+ people.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, what are the criteria for a user to join the contrib repo?
<farkuhar> ppetrov^, you have to submit an application on the crux-contrib mailing list, after having maintained a personal repo for several months. Then the contrib team votes on whether to grant commit privileges.
<ppetrov^> mhm
<ppetrov^> and what ports are generally accepted?
<farkuhar> I think your r4-modules repo should qualify.
<ppetrov^> i don't think so. This is a very biased personal selection of R packages that fit my needs, and it's huge already (510 ports). Also, there are a bunch of redundant deps that I really do not intend to mess up with
<ppetrov^> technically, my cran3crux can generate ports for everything that is in CRAN (i think 20,000 packages)
<ppetrov^> and everything in BioConductor. But i won't be able to test them
<ppetrov^> from ppetrov, maybe strawberry, celestia, etc might be of interest
<ppetrov^> *cran2crux, not 3
<farkuhar> Was it in r4-modules where you wanted to define PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR as a directory that might not yet exist at the time of downloading the sources?
<farkuhar> Or is that a general preference you like to apply for all your invocations of pkgmk?
<ppetrov^> general personal preference
<ppetrov^> not a big deal
<ppetrov^> i can always create said dubfolders myself and all will work
<ppetrov^> *subfolders
<ppetrov^> i can't wven type anymore...
<farkuhar> Just curious ... certain software ecosystems might make it riskier to pool all the tarballs in a common directory, and other ecosystems have no problem with the practice. Not sure where R lands on that continuum, though.
<ppetrov^> so far I have had 0 zproblems
<ppetrov^> sources are called RPachage_version.tar.gz
<ppetrov^> sth like this
<ppetrov^> but i was thinking that it would be neater if each port had its own subfolder for collecting source versions cumulatively
<ppetrov^> cumulatively <- i mean, keeping older versions just in case
<farkuhar> Well the default is to clutter the ports tree with all the downloaded sources. If you left it that way, you could set up a cronjob with something based on prtwash, to move all the downloaded sources somewhere else.
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<ppetrov^> understood
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<farkuhar> Re: contrib, it's nice to have a semi-official repo that is inactive by default, and users must make a conscious decision to enable it. In May 2005 there was a discussion about merging opt and contrib, but thankfully saner heads prevailed. https://lists.crux.nu/archives/list/crux-devel@lists.crux.nu/thread/2IGBND2RF36SGPDHR2RCNGRR3IO4WAUW/#D4G5VEVEEUEFKSMFL64ODOTYZW4DI3SL
<farkuhar> Keeping the contrib repo deactivated is a fully-supported deployment, but less supported is the idea of deactivating any of {core,opt,xorg}. Yet in FS#1924 one user wanted us to support QEMU on a headless machine where the xorg repo was deactivated. For this user, it made sense to have xorg-libpixman moved to opt.