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<ivandi> rust: there is an underscore '_' at line 161 of the Pkgfile. build fails with unknown command :)
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<cruxbridge> <jloc0> ivandi: Is that why rust keeps failing? That has been happening on all my machines
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<beerman> oops o:)
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<ivandi> beerman: looks like wireplumber 0.5.0 has issues with bluetooth, like microphone not working
<beerman> I am not the wireplumber bugtracker though
<beerman> fwiw, what I use of it, it all works
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<jaeger> portdbc should be working again, though it seems to have a build issue currently. Adding "#include <stdlib.h>" to portdbc.c seems to be sufficient.
<beerman> can confirm it working again, cool
<jaeger> great
<jaeger> Can you reproduce the build error?
<cruxbridge> <tim> the latest update sepen did for it in january that I didn't notice did fix it
<jaeger> Ah, cool. Mine was out of date, I guess
<cruxbridge> <tim> I hope I didn't forget to push it lol
<jaeger> You pushed it, I have it now
<beerman> perfect, ok
<jaeger> I've never really used it before today but I used it to test the XML reimplementation on the portdb
<beerman> I am in the same boat, I have to admit I keep it in opt because sepen writes and still supports the software :) Was just late to update because he does set tags but does not create a release for it, went totaly past me
<jaeger> ah
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