jaeger changed the topic of #crux-devel to: CRUX (https://crux.nu/) development channel | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-devel/
<r0ni> ooh nice
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<r0ni> is it just me or is there no rooms in the crux matrix?
<cruxbridge> <uncoiled> r0ni: Just you bro
<r0ni> i've tried two apps and they both say there's no rooms
<cruxbridge> <js> No it’s normal. You only see the rooms in the spaces that you are in. I think it’s an issue with no peek support?
<r0ni> i joined the space, there's 6 members, but everything says its empty
<cruxbridge> <tim (@tim:nullvoid.de)> I'll probably resetup with synapse, just not during official work hours
<cruxbridge> <tim (@tim:nullvoid.de)> I'm in a fun meeting 😴
<r0ni> its all good, just thought i'd mention something seems off
<beerman> Yeah, no idea :) dendrite seems nice but maybe not nice enough
<cruxbridge> <js> tim: It might be the room version being too low. Or crux.nu being the only server returned as in the room by the alias and Dendrite not supporting peek.
<cruxbridge> <js> Ah ignore the alias. As soon as you have the space there are no aliases to resolve anymore. Hmm.
<r0ni> room visibility is either private, restricted or public... my thought would be that setting is the one
<beerman> Room version is 10, this shouldn't be the problem. I didn't see anything about peek
<beerman> I might check with the dendrite room if they can answer this
<beerman> maybe dendrite really is missing the peek feature: https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/blob/main/docs/other/peeking.md
<beerman> anyhow, the rooms are all published and can be found/joined but the space is not exactly working the way it should yet :)
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