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<farkuhar> jaeger: US/Eastern
<jaeger> Hrmm, do you commit on a system set to UTC?
<jaeger> Curious because gitea was giving timestamps ending in Z shorthand for your commits
<farkuhar> Yes, my latest commits are on a system set to UTC.
<jaeger> ok
<jaeger> thanks, just verifying what I was seeing
<beerman> i am currently checking if there is some other problem.. the current rust version in opt does not build either inside a container and also outside of containers. I have no idea when it broke, because i was rebuilding it constantly to prepare my rust-wasm port and possibly a rust-mingw port.. so thats unexpected^10
<beerman> on a host that didn't update to llvm 17.0.5 yet it seems to succeed
<beerman> judging by my container: its not llvm 17.0.5..
<farkuhar> these rust builds are failing in both CRUX 3.7 and 3.8 containers?
<beerman> 3.8 works fine for me
<beerman> i also have one successful build of rust 1.74.0 on 3.7 out of 5 places I tried by now
<farkuhar> yesterday you suspected that a newer version of binutils might be the fix. Any attempt to follow up on that idea?
<beerman> not yet, no
<beerman> that was the easiest suggestion after it worked for the 3.8 container, but now that I built it on one 3.7 install I wouldn't make the same assumption again
<beerman> Not sure whats to blame yet really. the host that managed to build it has a few ports out of date, like cmake and libxml2, but downgrading these doesn't unclog it for anything else, so... it appears not to be these easy guesses either :D
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<beerman> ok, I know whats up. At least partly. sccache is to blame, but I have no idea why :)
<farkuhar> it makes sense, since I'm getting a successful build on an up-to-date CRUX 3.7 with no sccache.
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<jaeger> These funky rare issues are why I stopped using any of the distcc/ccache stuff, sadly
<jaeger> rare but enough to be annoying