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<beerman> farkuhar is it possible that firefox is missing clang as a dependency?
<beerman> i am remerging 3.7 into 3.8 and am failing to rebuild firefox as is
<beerman> it compiles fine once clang is in the dependency chain
<beerman> you have fixed exports to use clang in that Pkgfile
<farkuhar> beerman: you might be right. Back when wasi-libc++ was a hard dependency, there was no need to list clang specifically. But now that I've made it buildable without wasi-libc++, it looks like clang has to be listed as an explicit dependency.
<beerman> https://hacks.mozilla.org/2020/02/securing-firefox-with-webassembly/ i am just reminding that the wasi sandbox is a security feature of firefox, I don't see why you wouldn't want to hard depend on that rather than just clang :)
<beerman> todays web is bad mkay
<farkuhar> something I miss after switching to Wayland, is the convenience of running graphical apps as a different user. This primitive form of sandboxing is a lot easier under X11. A couple years ago I remember setting up a dedicated firefox user, and the browser would run with no access to my regular user's $HOME.
<farkuhar> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Simple_sandbox is the recipe I followed. Despite the timestamp of the latest update, it looks like there's still no discussion of Wayland on that page.
<beerman> But it effectively sandboxes each application from each other, given that they are not run as xwayland applications. I feel like that's a much greater gain then a over paranoid sandbox everything on a user workspace scope.
<beerman> I sandbox a few things on servers I run, but not necessarily on my workspace..
<farkuhar> Maybe the dedicated-user sandboxing is overly paranoid, but on X11 it's still a viable option. Leaving the choice up to the user is more aligned with the goal of flexible ports that accommodate all use-cases. I will go ahead and add your 2020/02 url to the firefox readme, so that the user makes a well-informed decision.
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<beerman> On x11, a lot of obscure use cases are still a viable option. With everything and everyone turning their backs on x11 though, i couldn't care less
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