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<jaeger> I wish I had saved that qtwebengine package last time I built it... going to this time, heh
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<SiFuh> I have saved mine, but don't use it anymore.
<jaeger> qtwebengine is the first thing that made me want more than 8GB RAM in my laptop
<jaeger> guess I'll build it on some other host
<beerman> thanks jaeger , i indeed don't look there..
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<stenur> i have switched to overcommitting tmpfs that backs my PKGMK_{TMP,WORK}_DIR.
<stenur> before i had used a /var/tmp/ports/.. thing, which was ok but shitty, sometimes stale directories were laying around, i never made my way to dig into pkgmk
<stenur> then i reread tmpfs Linux documentation, and switched to overcommitting. i thought that does not work, do not know why
<stenur> so now everything is there and i just do not care no more. my NVME is so fast (r+w ~1.5 GB/sec) that .. actually i do not even know how fast RAM is nowadays.
<stenur> "when i was hot" i think it was about ~333 MB/sec on an Athlon?
<stenur> na..too slow, hmm. or not??
<stenur> well maybe 500 MB/sec says Wikipedia. if it's true.
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<jaeger> I ended up uploading a built qtwebengine package to https://crux.ninja/tmp/ in case anyone else runs into the annoying cores vs. memory issue
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<farkuhar> Like SiFuh, I gave up on qtwebengine a while ago. It looks like the dependent port qutebrowser is slowly transitioning to qt6-webengine, but that won't necessarily improve the memory usage during builds.
<farkuhar> https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/tree/qt6-v2 if anyone wants to try a branch that supposedly builds without qtwebengine.
<stenur> I really want to beg people of core to switch libarchive back to autotools. With cmake threading is not supported.
<stenur> i have opened issues, now on github, too
<darfo_> qt6-webengine is almost as bad and will likely be as bad as qtwebengine after a time
<darfo_> i've got 16GB RAM but qtwebengine thrashes swap if I let it use to many threads.
<darfo_> 2 threads takes a long time to compile but the system is still usuable during
<darfo_> but meson is arrogant, it doesn't respect pkgmk.conf JOBS or MAKEFLAGS
<darfo_> so I put a wrapper around meson and force it to use -j 2
<jaeger> yeah, I ended up just disabling 16 of the cores with chcpu
<jaeger> meson/ninja didn't want to cooperate with me
<darfo_> didn't know about chcpu, thanks!
<jaeger> np
<pitillo> hey, can someone check on x86 if last libarchive update breaks pkgutils build?
<farkuhar> pitillo: pkgutils still compiles successfully for me, with the latest libarchive (3.6.2-1).
<jaeger> pitillo: seems fine for me as well