anyway, jaeger jue Romster would be fine to decide what to do together.
i won't have time to change all my package files before sometime next week. but it would be good to decide if we pull the rename patch into 3.6 or not..
Could someone write a script that simply does
Much better doing that automatically than editing it all by hand.
I have just under 109 of them to change and who knows how many Romster and Beerman need to change
Yes. I would say wait a bit maybe they fix it ('was wodering why Google said just nothing on the topic), otherwise write a script that replaces the version with the git commit
beerman mentioned something about a renaming system.
Ie. my nawk port uses gitver= and then does https://github.com/onetrueawk/${realn}/archive/${gitver}/${realn}-${version}.tar.gz, did so for different reasons but scheme should work for everything
SiFuh: yes that change from five years ago or so where all the old CRUX hands commented on, but did not commit it; they all quit but the thing maybe is in now.
Could also introduce something like arch linux's special handling of package version for GIT
Btw AlpineLinux switches from sudo to doas. doas here just fine
just found PKGMK_WGET_OPTS in pkgmk.conf, so we can add --content-disposition to wget options and use the github url
ivandi: the wget manpage suggests that --content-disposition is meant for CGI scripts that servers use to specify the filename for downloads. But /usr/bin/pkgmk invokes wget with the --output-document option, overriding any filename info that github would provide in a Content-Disposition header.
farkuhar: we have to modify pkgmk and get rid of LOCAL_FILENAME_PARTIAL stuff
looks easier than a rename patch
ivandi: no objection here. The LOCAL_FILENAME_PARTIAL stuff seemed like too much micromanagement anyway, but I can see the logic of making sure that the filenames agree with the contents of .signature, independent of any reconfiguration of the server later on.
Letting github or another host decide what to write on your disk ... after their tweaks to the URL rewrite configuration this weekend, I'm not sure I trust them to provide good metadata in a Content-Disposition header.
If anyone chose to set PKGMK_DOWNLOAD_PROG="curl" instead of the default wget, then the counterpart to ivandi's wget suggestion is to set PKGMK_CURL_OPTS="-OJ". Again the manpage warns us that misconfigured servers could return a filename that clobbers something you don't want to overwrite on your system, hence the use of LOCAL_FILENAME_PARTIAL as a safeguard.
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i had -J in my curl opts for a bit, according to a comment in my pkgmk.conf, which also says it broke some ports
but i don't remember which ones
curl: --continue-at and --remote-header-name cannot be combined
bad for my internet connection; though now that i go via "jump host" aka wireguard VPN tunnel that became much much better