jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.7 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-7 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
crux-arm-bot has joined #crux-arm
<crux-arm-bot> [ opt-arm64/3.7 ]: samba: update to 4.21.4
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pitillo has joined #crux-arm
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<crux-arm-bot> [ raspberrypi3-arm64/3.8 ]: pkgutils: update CFLAGS, remove -mlittle-endian and add -mtune=cortex-a53
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-raspberrypi3-arm64 ] Update deploy.yml -> Fix code
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dlcusa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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CrashTestDummy has joined #crux-arm
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<r0ni> after my move, I finally got home internet hooked back up today, so expect me to return from the dead soon-ish ;)
<beerman> welcome back :D
<beerman> hope all went well
<r0ni> thx tim, things have been exceptionally grueling but the worst is over. Now it's just organizing and such... let someone else do that fun stuff heh
<beerman> sounds like a solid plan to me :D