jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.7 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-7 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
stratofall has joined #crux-arm
<pitillo> we have started preparing 3.8 release.... We are still waiting CRUX 3.8 release to sync ports and verify crux-arm-release builder
<pitillo> btw, we have currently two releases, aarch64 and armhf:
<pitillo> both have been tested under a jail and some errors were fixed
<pitillo> we keep testing and going on crux-arm-release to avoid taking too long after CRUX release is out
<beerman> 🚀
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<r0ni> chefs kiss
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beerman has joined #crux-arm