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<jaeger> OK, I have a really weird 3.7 test issue. Anyone willing to try to reproduce it?
<jaeger> related to go and pkgadd/libarchive
<beerman> jaeger: what issue are you having?
<jaeger> check this out:
<jaeger> I build a go package on 3.7. It has all the files I'd expect in it. Then pkgadd eats a LOT of them
<jaeger> So I wrote a tiny little libarchive test program to compare. It appears to be a libarchive problem.
<jaeger> tar and bsdtar (which I thought was using libarchive internally) both report the files existing in the archive
<jaeger> the libarchive test does not
<jaeger> So bsdtar and gnu tar seem ok with it, pkgadd and straight libarchive don't
<jaeger> I can reproduce this on 2 different 3.7 installs. I cannot reproduce it on 3.6 or macos (tested for another data point)
<jaeger> For comparison I ran this test with all the package I'd recently built on my laptop. go is the ONLY one affected.
<jaeger> s/package/packages/
<jaeger> There are always weird problems building go into a package but this is a new one
<beerman> mh, might this be locales related yet again?
<beerman> looks very weird, I haven't seen that myself but I haven't updated go yet.. is this only related to go?
<jaeger> I guessed it was related to locale because that's been an issue in the past with go but so far none of my testing has changed the result... I've tried changing locale between C.UTF-8, en_US.UTF8, en_US, and POSIX
<jaeger> Yeah, seems to be just go so far. Very weird that it happens when extracting the archive but seems to create fine
<beerman> I'll try to reproduce this inside a lxc container
<jaeger> oops, I just noticed this is #crux-arm instead of #crux-devel, sorry for the noise
<jaeger> Will add anything there if I discover more
<beerman> building go has been gambling for me.. it will produce a package without the go binary and all the jokes, but we talked about it already.. I have already spent so much time looking at how to maybe package it better and find no viable way
<beerman> :D
<jaeger> Busy day today and my brain is fried :/
<beerman> ask me :) we had a kick off meeting for some fancy azure arch stuff and besides that, its just running around fixing/building stuff
<jaeger> yuck
<beerman> heh, kinda. I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do. I liked debugging a mystery problem on an edge router later today better as well
<beerman> so yeah, first compile run with go ends in missing test and doc files..
<beerman> that could still work but.. its never building the same way again anyway, i need to gamble until I get a working go binary :D lets see..
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<crux-arm-git> [opt-arm.git/3.6] llvm: updated to 14.0.0
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