tardyp changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.2.0 | docs: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/ | tutorial: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/tutorial | irclogs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/buildbot
<koobs> Hi! I run a buildbot worker for the CPython project, and recently there was a build failure because i added SOMEVAR (for an unrelated reason) to my systems /etc/make.conf, which ended up in the buildbots environment: https://bugs.python.org/issue46432
<koobs> Whats the best practice for isolating build workers, and are there mechanisms for this at 1) the worker config level 2) builder config level so that projects can set them instead of doing it manually on workers
<koobs> ?
<koobs> I see: SetPropertiesFromEnv in buildbot.steps.worker
<koobs> and in BUilderConfig: the env param: A Builder may be given a dictionary of environment variables in this parameter
<koobs> also, is there a way to dee what the environment is in the buildbot dashboard in/on the worker page ?
<koobs> but CFLAGS (the variable causing the issue) isnt listed
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<tardyp> koobs: you cal cleanup the env in the twisted.tac
<tardyp> and keep only the stuff that you care about
<tardyp> if k not in whitelist: del os.environ[k]
<baduck> a more robust way to isolate your worker is to run it in a chroot or container
<tardyp> indeed