from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS
return SUCCESS
you may need a yield on the release = opencast.....
Zorry: return from that method spits out `builtins.TypeError: inlineCallbacks requires <function GenerateGithubRelease.run at 0x7f730c5a4400> to produce a generator; instead got 0`
yielding SUCCESS rather than results.SUCCESS has the same behaviour as I originally saw
I guess i haven't tried yielding other things, but I somehow doubt that would change anything
if you just do return SUCCESS
no yield on that line
Zorry: return SUCCESS -> builtins.TypeError: inlineCallbacks requires <function GenerateGithubRelease.run at 0x7f730c5a4400> to produce a generator; instead got 0
I guess I could remove the defer on the run method, but I'm expecting that's not the right idea either
if you don't have any yield it shound be removed
hey, there we go, thanks Zorry
remove the defer, used return, and things work as expected
I thought i needed to defer the run method. Guess not.