the only change seems to SASL PLAIN support
When we had it sort of working last, when we upgraded to 3.2 , we could only have 1 IRC bot in a channel, having multiple bots in multiple channels resulted in a never ending loop in the logs of IRC starting / stopping, joining/leaving and most of the commands had no effect
that sounds like a bug
really strange, no issues at all with 0.8 for many years using the same many IRC bots to many channels
khmdid you use a s
sorry, did you use a explicit name for each bot?
yeah we did
then you should prolly file a bug
subversion-bot infra-bot etc etc
I did ask here a while ago about it and others seemed to suggest it was working for them.
but yeah , first I'll upgrade to latest, test, and then report a bug if still cant get it to work