tardyp changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.2.0 | docs: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/ | tutorial: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/tutorial | irclogs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/buildbot
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<telmich_> good day
<tardyp> telmich_: hi!
<telmich_> tardyp: I'm currently checking out buildbot to automate helm chart generation in our infra. I first checked out jenkins, but seeing it consume 4GB ram right away is a bit of a shock. I actually did not hear about buildbot until starting to research last week
<telmich_> ... but it looks quite promising and slim!
<tardyp> indeed, buildbot is slim and simple
<tardyp> maybe for kubernetes CI/CD, you want to use tools more specialised for "cloud native"
<telmich_> I was thinking about that, too
<telmich_> But I did not find anything that fit me right away
<telmich_> As far as I can see, buildbot uses "static" workers - I first was thinking that does not really fit, but then again, this is more a resource question rather than a scheduling question
<tardyp> buildbot can use dynamic works
<tardyp> workers
<tardyp> those are called latent worker in our sematics
<telmich_> Interesting. And you are very funny, pointing to gocd as a starter when joining the buildbot room - I like the attitude :-)
<tardyp> actually argocd is the tool that my kube fellow use https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/
<tardyp> but indeed, buildbot is more a generic framework and can't really keep up with very fast moving cloud native movement
<tardyp> so it is more made for people who can't use the more opinionated tools like gocd/argocd
<telmich_> I had a look at argocd and was a bit overwhelmed. For CD I was more going the direction of fluxv2, but even that does not "really" do the job
<telmich_> The main problem in the k8s world is that a lot of problems are trying to be solved and often they are not solved correctly - like removing CRDs from a rook deployment, which leaves stale resources behind
<tardyp> I agree that the problem is not yet fully solved
<tardyp> helm is imho too much complicated, we rewrote all our .yml to helm, and 6 month later rewrote it again in kustomize..
<telmich_> Interesting
<tardyp> helm has too much indirection to me, it makes things too complicated for private stuff
<telmich_> I found kustomize too limited
<telmich_> Because it cannot use templates; the main problem is when you have many apps of the same type (let's say nextcloud instances) and you want to share names, like a PVC or a secret in various parts of the definition
<telmich_> In helm, you use something on the line of {{ .Values.Something }}, in kustomize the patch is rather tricky/ugly in my opinion
<tardyp> well, we just needed templating to configure the difference between dev/staging/prod
<telmich_> Also what I miss in kustomize: generating a configmap from the filenames of a directory
<telmich_> That's nice and I think that easily works
<vilhalmer> just want to say thanks for buildbot, it took a problem that we put off solving for five years and made it into a three week fix :)
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