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<gmcdonald> I must admit we are rather stuck at this point, unable to get multiple IRC clients working.
<gmcdonald> Looks like MailNotifier may also be in the same boat
<gmcdonald> Any help appreciated
<cmouse> you can't just add multiple services?
<gmcdonald> seems not, when we do, via .append, we get a configuration error
<gmcdonald> category=ConfigWarning)
<gmcdonald> Configuration Errors: Duplicate service name 'IRC'
<cmouse> IRC2, IRC3 ?
<gmcdonald> hm
<cmouse> lets see what docs says
<gmcdonald> are we reading the docs incorrectly
<gmcdonald> irc = reporters.IRC
<gmcdonald> its the IRC part it says is duplicated
<gmcdonald> not the irc part
<gmcdonald> I can configure
<gmcdonald> irc = reporters.IRC
<gmcdonald> irc2 = reporters.IRC
<gmcdonald> makes no difference
<gmcdonald> as soon as you append more than one, it fails
<gmcdonald> c['services'].append(irc)
<gmcdonald> on its own works
<gmcdonald> c['services'].append(irc)
<gmcdonald> c['services'].append(irc2)
<gmcdonald> does not work
<cmouse> hm
<cmouse> indeed.
<cmouse> i can think of a very hacky way around this
<cmouse> class IRC2(repoters.irc.IRC):
<cmouse> name = "IRC2"
<gmcdonald> thats fine. Humbedooh has been trying hacks since yesterday
<Humbedooh> that's exactly what we're doing now, assigning a unique name to each object, but that seems to not actually make the new one work.
<Humbedooh> we have a workaround class with:
<Humbedooh> class IRC(buildbot.plugins.reporters.IRC):
<Humbedooh> super(BuildBotToolbox.IRC, self).__init__(**kwargs)
<Humbedooh> self.name = "IRC-" + str(id(self))
<Humbedooh> def __init__(self, **kwargs):
<cmouse> that works too
<Humbedooh> but it only seems to ativate the first one we define
<Humbedooh> activate even
<cmouse> the name stuff is class attribute
<cmouse> hence my suggestion to have n classes :(
<Humbedooh> I don't know that we can programatically make a new class name for each object...hmm
<Humbedooh> I'll give it a think
<Humbedooh> we have N IRC daemons, we don't know what N is :)
<gmcdonald> At least this confirms a major feature regression. Its a core feature to what we do. Multiple irc bots in multiple channels
<cmouse> gmcdonald: please file an issue =)
<gmcdonald> will do
<cmouse> thx
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<Humbedooh> found a somewhat ugly way that works :D
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