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<set_> how, how do you, how do you run tflite-delegate these days on the BBAI-64?
<set_> I just started to rekindle the versioning on building. Google has gone Goofy with their tflite building for aarch64 or I am behind the times. Probably the latter.
<set_> I have tried this night away. I kept it up, tried another route, and now, NOW, I think I may be onto it!
<set_> it only accepts specific toolchains. I am going to try with other toolchains in the future. Who knows? I may get lucky.
<set_> So and no, one does not need to build from scratch. It is too difficult to figure out what is available in what toolchain, versioning of needed libs, and then to port all into a cute package is not so easy.
<set_> It is not even supposed to work with python3.12 but so far, building!
<set_> I have been waiting on the interpreter to build. Phew!
<set_> 90% and pushin' hard!
<set_> I am trying to build the tflite_runtime so I can test some older source and the capture effects of pixels.
<set_> Well, I have to learn how to install it.
<set_> Yikes.
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