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<Guest44> Hi, I can't fit beagley-ai in rpi 5 case
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<Guest44> I've just fit it but the cover can't be closed, it touches some circuit components
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<set> Spacer to the rescue!
<set> Spacer city to the incumbantcy of such held occupant cover! Or lack of joking and trivial stuff, spacer.
<set> Guest44: I saw that too. I did see where the components get in the way of Rpi cases.
<set> Luckily, there are people who will make one or may make 'em.
<set> So, without further ado, off and a tid bit reminded.
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<set> Guess44: Spacer.
<set> Probably another or a different Guest44 anyway. So, off to mowing (yay)?
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