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<set_> Hey there, is there an "official" image now for older boards like the BBB or is it trial by error/trying?
<set_> I am asking because I have no clue as of now which image (kernel/rootfs) I need to use to make my motor turn...
<set_> The easy out was a L298 for use.
<set_> Now, I am mixed up in many drivers and trying random (kernels) things with what seems like some differences in GPIO availability and usage.
<set_> sysfs is still around (thankfully). I thought I could just "randomly" throw some GPIO pins together and move a motor with timings.
<set_> I am getting some negative feedback from Debian so far on the BBB with GPIO even though the pins are there for a bit...
<set_> It is almost like my exported pins cannot be exported but are available until I use them!
<zmatt> set_: sysfs gpio works fine for me in 5.10
<zmatt> they're still exported by default like always (by cape-universal)
<zmatt> set_: note: don't try to manually export gpios that are already exported, that still causes the gpio to vanish (long-standing bug caused by one of rcn's patches)
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> No it.
<set_> I was using some form of sys, os, time and then fs with the 'w' call.
<set_> Anyway, okay. Got it.
<set_> so, open, close, and 'w' 'r' is okay...Just no exporting what is already available. Goodness gracious.
<set_> This whole time, I blamed the vanishing act on lack of skillsets in programming. I mean...I could brush up (FOR YEARS) and still not know anything but now I know...
<set_> Phew.
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