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<statusfailed> hihi!
<statusfailed> I'm looking for a risc-v board to mess around with bare metal programming
<statusfailed> I have some dumb goals, including "build my own toolchain", because I'd really like to understand how these things boot up in great detail
<statusfailed> I got some simple stuff working on qemu virt and sifive_u boards: https://github.com/statusfailed/riscv-macroassembler
<statusfailed> but I would like to run on real hardware too- is the BeagleV's boot process well documented? I'm worried if I buy it I won't be able to figure out why my terrible code doesn't work :D
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<set_> I tried...
<set_> The ultimatum of infinity going to 1 never reaches 1.
<set_> Aw!
<set_> All jokes aside...
<set_> I hope everyone is getting ready for an okay family weekend full of obeying and comprehension. Outside of that...
<set_> What are people doin' with the boards so far?
* set_ gets the "me" correct this time and shouts down doorways...bye for now!
<set_> Just a side of notions here, Lenovo is having a hard time with change. I am sure everyone else is too.
<set_> I have not been able to update my regular BIOS for three years.
<set_> I have a powerhorse of old times because of no updates and bad people doing rotten things.
* set_ says gosh.
<set_> statusfailed: Heads up. As you might be able to tell, I am not the person to discuss things with currently...
<set_> I like the BeagleV ideas for the boards they had produced.
<set_> I will like to learn one day, i.e. if I can get around to making these motors turn with the am335x.
<set_> BBB! Along with the BBB, I have this step/dir driver that is supposed to kick the motor into a frenzy of spinning techniques. I just do not have the "sauce" so far.
<set_> sorry everyone. I just mowed. It is over 100 here with what people are calling a heat index. I should have not been typing.
* set_ wishes he could take it all back...
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