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<set_> The forum is slow man. I click a link and boo-shaka, slowness.
<set_> It is like the link never follows through.
<set_> Not that I pay attention here...or anywhere really. But it is slow!
<set_> Now, I cannot reach it.
<set_> Aw.
* set_ goes back to a far away land where even I know little!
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<johanhenselmans> Just got the beagle-v. Booted with HDMI and keyboard, Grey Screen. Mouse pointer moves. Any suggestion?
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<johanhenselmans> tio /dev/ttyUSB0 gives gibberish, tried several configs,(parito, no paritty, odd partity, speed 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400, 7 bits, all gibberish
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<Guest32> Hello all, Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I am using a beagle bone black wireless, and can no longer find any. What is the best hardware to use that is equivalent and available for me to buy of the shelf? Thanks!
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<NishanthMenon> johanhenselmans: might have people active as well..
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