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<Thilak> Hi All,
<Thilak>    We are developing a custom board with AM5729 processor. For development purpose we have used eval board IDKAM572X with sdboot we are able to successfully boot the image.
<Thilak>    In the custom board we are trying to boot the same image but we are facing booting issues at the u-boot level. I have attached the booting log. We need your support for same.
<Thilak> U-Boot SPL 2015.07 (Jan 28 2016 - 14:19:33)
<Thilak> DRA752 ES2.0
<Thilak> U-Boot SPL 2019.07-rc4-00001-g607b5b738b (Jul 06 2019 - 21:01:15 -0500)
<Thilak> DRA752-GP ES2.0
<Thilak> Trying to boot from MMC1
<Thilak> no pinctrl state for default mode
<Thilak> unable to get I2C bus. ret 1
<Thilak> tps65903x: could not set LDO1 voltage.
<Thilak> no pinctrl state for default mode
<Thilak> spl_start_uboot
<Thilak> CTRL_CORE_PAD_I2C1_SDA: 0x00060000
<Thilak> CTRL_CORE_PAD_I2C1_SCL: 0x00060000
<Thilak> CTRL_CORE_PAD_GPMC_A0: 0x00060007
<Thilak> CTRL_CORE_PAD_GPMC_A1: 0x00060007
<Thilak> CTRL_CORE_PAD_VIN2A_D4: 0x0005000f
<Thilak> Cancel
<Thilak> Like
<Thilak> More
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<Guest48> Hi, anybody here?
<Guest48> I have some questions about BeaglePlay
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<Guest17> is snd_seq & snd_seq_midi what we need to have compiled to use a midi keyboard with alsa?
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<Guest34> i can't get client going on my beagle bone black device i have tried a bunch of files
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<zmatt> Guest34: you're trying to do distributed computing.... on a beaglebone?
<zmatt> ARM/eabi would be the correct one I'd guess
<Guest34> arm/eabi does not work it does not start even after a chmod
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<zmatt> no chmod should be needed, it's already executable in the .tar.gz
<zmatt> hmm, looks like it expects a different path for the dynamic linker
<crash_> zmatt: did you try as well to get dnetc going?
<zmatt> try this: sudo ln -s /lib/
<zmatt> for me that suffices to allow it to start
<zmatt> I wonder why they didn't just statically link it to maximize portability and avoids these kinds of problems.... but I guess that would be less desirable for low-ram devices
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<Guest34> thanks that symbolic link make dnetc work for me, but why is that needed from the get go?
<Guest34> raspberrypi with less ram worked from the start, no need to mess around with symlinks
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<zmatt> rcn-ee: hmm, if rpi symlinks /lib/ to /lib/ it might be a good idea to do the same to improve application compatibility
<set_> I wonder...
<set_> Would that break any builds in a process?
<set_> Like for instance, would it make it so the image-builder does not do what is expected?
<zmatt> ??? no?
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<set_> I do not use the image-builder yet.
<set_> Oh.
<set_> @zmatt: So, it has just been left out for others to pitch in the make a request?
<zmatt> ???
<set_> a git pull in the repo
<zmatt> what are you talking about?
<set_> For instance, people are not participating.
<zmatt> set_, wtf are you even talking aobut?
<set_> I am thinking to try to make some merge requests but I see not a lot of users are doing it.
<zmatt> for what? why? also, I
<set_> I saw a few people doing it.
<zmatt> I'd very much encourage you in particular to *not* make pull requests to projects :P
<set_> But not in large sums. There are not a lot of people adding in their "two cents."
<set_> Fine.
<zmatt> anyway, afk
<set_> Sheesh.
<set_> Aw!
<set_> Happy 4th. I am here w/ dirty knees.
<set_> @zmatt: If you need anything, do not hesitate to push or shove me around...
* set_ learns in any framework!
<set_> You bringing this up made me look up what exactly that linker does...
<set_> So, I learned.
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