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<Midjak> Hello,I am on going to upgrade debian on a beaglebone black. Did you try that ? Is it safe ? Thanks
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<paulbarker> Congrats on the new board announcement!
<paulbarker> For anyone who hasn't seen it yet:
<Midjak> 🎉
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<vagrantc> shiny
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<Guest34> 0 tech docs/info on that chinese SoC which is used in the new BeagleV-Ahead?
<Guest34> no PRUs are a deal breaker
<zmatt> Guest34: PRU is TI-specific and afaik TI isn't doing anything with RISC-V, so a RISC-V board with PRU is just not a thing that can exist
<Guest34> I understand. Hopefully the BB Black will get a new release soon using aa AM62x
<zmatt> Guest34: there's the BeaglePlay, though it's not quite a beaglebone
<zmatt> obviously the BBB will never be anything other than AM335x, since if you swap the SoC out it would no longer be a BBB
<Guest34> BeaglePlay is nothing like a BBB though
<zmatt> true
<Guest34> The BBB just needs a better CPU, more RAM, and more storage. Keep everything else the same. 512MB ram makes running browsers in kiosk mode slow
<zmatt> the BBB doesn't "need" these things, *you* need these things... that's not the same thing :P
<zmatt> don't get me wrong, I'd also appreciate an AM62x, but even if an AM62x-based board in beaglebone form factor were available today we'd still continue buying BBBs since a different SoC is not going to be pin-compatible
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<NishanthMenon> what would that better CPU be?
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