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<set_> boinkers. Programming the BBB is not all straight up and down. There are misconceptions and allegations on my part being made. Luckily, docs! I saw the docs. pages for Nice. There are tons of informative ideas on it.
<set_> That simpPRU stuff is interesting. Too bad I did not figure out the behind-the-scenes set up.
<set_> Anyway, keep it up! Good on ya'.
<set_> I recently found the __new__ function in Python3. I may be able to use it w/ dictionaries and lists. I am not sure yet.
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<Guest77> Hello, I'm having trouble setting up my BBB. It won't connect to my PC network and I can't access the linux system. I'm using the USB cable. I'm using a Mac (Big Sur 11.3) and I can't install the drivers.
<zmatt> are you the same one as three days ago?
<Guest77> Yes
<zmatt> I already mentioned there are no drivers to install. have you tried reflashing the BBB yet?
<Guest77> But does the Mac need a driver to access the BBB?
<Guest77> I downloaded the image you sent me and uploaded it to the SD card using etcher then inserted it into the BBB.
<Guest77> But it still says the network is not connected
<zmatt> did the beaglebone appear to reflash itself? it should show a back-and-forth pattern across the four leds for a while and then turn itself off once reflashing is done
<Guest77> Yes it did that
<Guest77> The BBB just turned off
<zmatt> ok, don't forget to remove the sd card again so that it doesn't end up reflashing itself yet again on next boot
<zmatt> if this doesn't resolve the issue then I don't know what's going on with your mac or why it would refuse to connect to the beaglebone
<Guest77> ok, the BBBi  is still off
<Guest77> Should I reset and try again?
<zmatt> turn it back on, obviously (press power button)
<zmatt> after removing the sd card
<Guest77> ok, how long should it take?
<zmatt> to boot? not sure, a minute or two I think? it's possible the first boot after reflashing takes slightly longer
<Guest77> ok, I'm connected now
<zmatt> there ya go, you should be able to reach the beaglebone using the hostname beaglebone.local
<Guest77> Through my PC's terminal?
<zmatt> via ssh yes, ssh debian@beaglebone.local
<zmatt> (password "temppwd")
<Guest77> awesome that worked.
<zmatt> there ya go
<Guest77> Thank you
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<Guest77> So beagle bone doesn't come with python packages like pip or panda?
<zmatt> python3 and pip3 should be installed by default
<zmatt> I don't know what panda is
<zmatt> if you want to install packages (using apt or pip) then the easiest way is to connect the beaglebone via ethernet (to your home network, or if your computer has internet via wifi you can enable internet sharing to your computer's ethernet port (assuming it has one) and connect the beaglebone to that)
<Guest77> It's for formatting data
<zmatt> (in theory it's also possible to share internet to the beaglebone via usb but in practice this tends to be tricky and risks losing your only connection to the beaglebone)
<zmatt> oh you mean pandas
<Guest77> ok, so I would need an ethernet cable from the beaglebone to my PC?
<zmatt> you need some way of providing internet access to the beaglebone if you want it to be able to install packages from the internet
<zmatt> if you don't have an existing ethernet network (e.g. an ethernet port on your internet modem/router) to which you can connect the beaglebone, or if making such a connection is inconvenient, then ... like I said, you can use internet sharing on your PC to share its internet connection (via wifi) to ethernet, and connect the beaglebone to your PC's ethernet port
<Guest77> No, I have the ports on my router.
<Guest77> What hardware would I need then? Just an ethernet cable or adapter?
<zmatt> just an ethernet cable
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<Guest77> I've connected the ethernet and I have my IP address. Can I download packages using pip now?
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<zmatt> .. why would you come here to ask that instead of just... Try It And See
<set_> B/c...permissions are a big thing in specific peoples' lives.
<set_> For instance, "I was a bit that way."
<zmatt> ?
<set_> I always acted like I needed permission to do things.
<set_> acted = felt
<zmatt> I mean, you do seem to be particularly skilled at making a mess of a system, but that still doesn't mean you need anyone's permission for anything... it's your system to make a mess of :P
<set_> Right-o! And one, me-me-me, can always flash again!
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<set_> Oh. he left anyway.
<zmatt> yeah
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<set_> I just saw that he left.
<set_> or she. He/she/whomever.
<set_> Pronouns keep getting more complicated.
<set_> @zmatt: I am still working on the ServoCape.
<set_> There was a nice gentleman that assisted me w/ a stream idea to handle python3 and the ServoCape.
<set_> When I say streams, I think he is using streams. I am not sure yet. There is fd.
<set_> For pathlib.
<set_> But...pathlib just handles GPIO on the am335x so far.
<set_> I am stuck now! Stuck.
<set_> I got into lists, sets, tuples, and dictionaries. None of which work in this set of classes.
<set_> So, I wrote my own classes and I am trying to make the motors move at the same time instead of 0.18 seconds apart.
<set_> 0.18 seconds is 0.02 more seconds than what is required from the PCA9685 chip.
<set_> My "last" resort is to handle classes w/ the __new__ function to get strings and integers working together.
<set_> I am using so far just for strings and integers. I am close but no cigar.
<set_> it is from the python3 docs but w/ a mixture. This mixture of source is bogus. I keep getting backlogged w/ new output errors.
<zmatt> wtf
<zmatt> I can't even begin to comprehend what any of this is supposed to mean or do
<zmatt> none of this makes even the slightest bit of sense
<set_> I know.
<set_> This is my life. $*%&%$. I understand.
<set_> I am trying to make sense out of the class and function. I have something else. Please hold.
<zmatt> anything to do with a custom __new__ method is advanced python and almost certainly not something you should be attempting (since you don't even know basic python)
<set_> Here is the update.
<zmatt> I also can't begin to imagine why you're feeling a need to subclass int and/or str, or what any of this has to do with the servo cape
<set_> You are right. I have a function called add_servo().
<zmatt> yeah this is just complete nonsense
<zmatt> gobbledegook
<set_> Once i get this source to work, I put in the add_servo() function to handle specifics of that function instead of using what Python thought was neat.
<set_> Fine.
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<set_> Tomorrow is Halloween.
<set_> I will take time out to not tell you about it.
<set_> Sheesh.
<set_> the attribute "get" is not part of the set "object."
<set_> So, this is the issue so far.
<zmatt> yeah that sounds like the sort of error that really isn't saying anything other than "you wrote nonsense"
<set_> I know so far that it is nonsense.
<set_> This does not mean I am learning while trying to test.
<set_> I am learning while trying to test. It is not easy. It is like walking and chewing gum.
<set_> I noticed that nano is getting smarter.
<set_> error notices and other ideas.
<set_> @zmatt: This is almost directly from the docs. pages online for .
<set_> The only thing I changed is an import that I will need to use later once I get this source to work.
<set_> The last two lines are for the interpreter.
<set_> But their example(s) are not 100% of what I really need.
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<set_> Anyway, no issue. I just wanted to chat about it.
<set_> @zmatt: And in the process of chatting about it, I also wanted to update you against your permission! Googly-OOgly!
<set_> @zmatt: Please look here.
<set_> Dang it, here:
<set_> That is the final source that is derived from the two libs. that are not packaged.
<set_> The issue is this idea really. I cannot make the servos move at the same time w/out an error in the server.
<set_> It has to be by 0.18 seconds in b/t, not 0.18 specifically, each servo movement.
<set_> Also...
<set_> beaglebone.local causes the source to spit junk to the terminal. Literally, unreadable garbage dumps.
<set_> So, I use instead of beaglebone.local:5000 and then it works?
<set_> Anyway...
<set_> How is one to handle promoting working motors w/out break delays in time?
<set_> I cannot figure it out.
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<set_> Off to test another script of, and I quote, "nonsense."
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<set_> @zmatt: Here are the motor moving like pro water aquatics talent...but yet, they are not moving in formation yet.