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<set_> Fri. funday pasted and I missed the mark. Sorry guys/gals.
<set_> pasted = passed
<set_> Blah.
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<effem> Hi
<effem> Sorry for the immediate question, but I just can't find an answer anywhere on the web.
<effem> Rasberry supports two PWM modes: balanced and Mark / Space.
<effem> Do you know if the same modes also exist in Beagle Bone Black?
<effem> Otherwise, do you know which of the two modes is used in BBB?
<effem> Thank you very much!
<set_> PWM!
<set_> I like PWM for specifics.
<set_> Um, I think it handles specifics like polarity, duty_cycle, and so on.
<set_> if you check /dev/, there may be some files you can view (depending on your image and kernel).
<zmatt> effem: I've never heard the term "mark/space" used in the context of pwm, but it's definitely not balanced pwm. the eHRPWM peripherals do actually support balanced pwm, but the kernel driver doesn't have support for that implemented
<zmatt> set_: you're not being helpful
<set_> Oh!
<set_> I know now.
<set_> Sorry @zmatt, I will not try to help now.
<zmatt> effem: I don't think it would be hard to implement support for balanced mode in the kernel driver, but I guess noone so far has cared enough to do so
<effem> zmatt, I need mark / space :-)
<zmatt> effem: you mean normal pwm, where the rising edge (or falling edge, depending on configured polarity) stays in the same place each period?
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<effem> Balanced vs. Mark/Space refers to the method used to determine how the PWM output signals are to be generated. There are 2 algorithms, balanced and mark/space. Balanced indicates that the duty cycle will be evenly spread across the range. That is to say, the pulse width will be split into a set of shorter pulses that are distributed across the
<effem> range. In contrast, in mark/space, the pulse is generated as a single signal called a “mark”. The time remaining in the range, range-pulseWidth , is called the “space”. No signal is present in the space duration. Mark/Space is often good enough, but as periods get longer so does the absolute time difference between the mark and space
<effem> durations.
<zmatt> please don't copy paste stuff into chat
<effem> sorry
<zmatt> okay they seem to use the term "balanced" to mean something completely different from what I assumed
<zmatt> I think both of these terms may have been invented on the spot :P
<zmatt> but yeah, normal pwm is what they call "mark/space"
<zmatt> it's the only type of pwm supported on the bbb
<zmatt> what they call "balanced pwm" doesn't look like pwm at all, it looks more like pdm or sigma-delta encoding
<zmatt> that article seems to use a ton of non-standard terminology
<zmatt> like calling the pwm period the "range"
<zmatt> hmm it seems that the broadcom documentation is the source of that terminology...
<zmatt> effem: anyway, you need not worry, this "balanced" pwm mode of the rpi is not normally how pwm outputs work
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<effem> zmatt, you were very kind and you removed so many doubts I had!
<effem> thanks
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<hays> Any inside word on whether the inability to procure beaglebones is permanent or temporary?
<hays> Also any word on an updated SOC in similar price range?
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<zmatt> hays: the new AM62x is basically the successor to the AM335x
<zmatt> and what beaglebones? the beaglebone black is available just fine
<hays> really where
<hays> hey you're right.. hmm i wonder why i couldn't find them last week.
<hays> maybe it was the AI i was looking for
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<Guest31> Hi!
<Guest31> My name is Alex, and I am one of INFONEST LLC USA's primary buyers.
<Guest31> I'm contacting you because we're constantly looking to expand our product lines and would want to purchase your items!
<Guest31> Our major distribution warehouse and headquarters are in Missouri. We collaborate with a variety of suppliers/distributors around the United States and are always looking for new quality product lines to offer our consumers. We feel your firm is a suitable fit for us and would want to inquire about the best method to open a wholesale account with
<Guest31> you.
<Guest31> Please let us know what you require from us in order to establish an account.Please send us your product list or FTP site so we can incorporate it into our purchasing system.
<Guest31> We appreciate your time and look forward to doing business with you.
<Guest31> With best wishes,
<Guest31> ALEX BROWN
<set_> Hello.
<set_> I see a site in the mix.
<set_> Is the newer site this one: ? that a thing I should not discuss?
<set_> The reason I bring it up is b/c of the way it handles paging and files.
<set_> It is absolutely positive!
<Guest31> set_ are replying about my question brother?
<Guest31> actually we waant to purchase in bulk...
<set_> Guest31: Sorry. no, sadly, I am not.
<Guest31> ohh ! sorry brother..
<set_> If I could have a way to distribute things, I might.
<set_> But, I am not handy w/ business transactions.
<Guest31> please describe for me...
<set_> I think you may have to contact the .org about this idea.
<set_> I am sure they have a distribution list of current and reasonable sellers on the market place.
<set_> Me...I have no clue. I am just some chum.
<set_> Guest31: I hope you get your way. So, take time out and stick around. Who knows who will show up.
<Guest31> Thanks... your guidance is useful for me... Thanks again Set..
<set_> But me, I am a person w/ not a clue. So, I am sorry I cannot help you. You are welcome.
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<set_> Whelp.
<set_> There goes one lucky person.
<set_> Ha.
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<set_> So, someone on the forums posted (finally). I think the driver may be in play for the PCA9685.
<set_> I will have to erase this driver somehow?
<set_> Whelp. Off to write another image. Brick-central over here again. Argh!
<set_> I think this time, this time, it is the one.
<set_> PEMCAK?
<set_> Forget it.