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<wens> colleague said DT should support maps/dictionaries to simplify writing X + X-names lol
<maz> wens: we should make DT Turing-complete. at this point, who needs the actual HW?
<javierm> maz: then you could implement a forth interpreter in DT and use a trully OF blob
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<ajb-linaro> What mechanism does a pKVM guest use to share memory with other domains?
<ajb-linaro> I'm guessing it's not pkvm_create_private_mapping?
<ajb-linaro> ahh pkvm_host_share_hyp?
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<maz> ajb-linaro: if by domain you mean another guest, the answer is *none*.
<maz> it can only share back with the host.
<maz> the host can share with hyp too, of course.
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<ajb-linaro> maz for now guests sharing to the host will do - I guess pKVM isn't thinking about supporting driver domains?
<ajb-linaro> maz when you share with the host is there any mechanism for userspace to map those pages?
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<maz> ajb-linaro: the same as normal KVM. it is userspace that provides the mapping anyway.
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<cambrian_invader> wens: clocks could always look like
<cambrian_invader> would also be much easier to specify in dt-schema
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<wens> does that work now?
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<cambrian_invader> wens: no, this is just an example
<cambrian_invader> but devicetree *does* have maps
<cambrian_invader> they just aren't always used
<robmur01> heh, calling the node/property/value structure a map seems a bit like saying C has polymorphism...
<robmur01> technically true, but not fit for arbitrary usage :)
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<rfried> Hi. I'm trying to reduce boot time on emulation(zebu).
<rfried> Most of the kernel boot time is around the mapping of ddr pages, but I couldn't understand why. I assumed it used hugetables so it should take so long.
<rfried> Lowering the mapped DDR from 8GB to 2GB significantly reduced the boot time.
<rfried> Anyone knows if there's something slow hiding there, perhaps clearing the pages or something?
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<balrog> what is the correct way to bump the version of a -git AUR package when the upstream repo hasn't changed?
<balrog> (e.g. to fix a PKGBUILD issue)
<balrog> bump pkgre?
<balrog> pkgrel*
<heat> yeah I think so, that sounds correct. just like a normal package
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