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Does anyone know the magic dance to enable otg gadgets with bookworm based armbian?
I found an old M2 Zero laying around. Went to put it to use and updated + upgraded (was on bullseye). OTG g_ether gadget went away.
I have tried this build: https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m2-zero by @mhawkins-consultant and no matter what I do, what I try, it's all a waste of time.
What should take no more than five minutes is now going on three days.
Is it just time to throw this board and Armbian in general away?
Are USB Ethernet gadgets now impossible with bookworm?
Need to access device headless.
Thank you anyone who can help.
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At his pint it feels as though @mhawkins-consultant isn't putting forth an honest effort to support the board in order to drive consulting business his way.
`sudo modprobe g_ether` ?
otg is set as the default in the mainline DTS.
I am unable to gain any access to do this.
I have tried everything under the sun and nothing works. Very much worked on bullseye.
And at my wits end. What is supposed to be fun computing is now a nightmare.
Is there not Armbian documentation anywhere for this?
Every web search turns up dated results or ChatGPT garbage.
Pull the SD card and create a file `/etc/modules-load.d/bananapim2zero.conf` and place the modules you want to load inside it `g_ether`.
This is the exact build: Armbian_community_25.5.0-trunk.87_Bananapim2zero_bookworm_current_6.6.72_minimal
I have tried exactly that.
Welp, should have loaded then.
As well as included modules-load with extraargs
If someone at Armbian could reach out to @mhawkins-consultant and ask him to stop advertising nonworking product that would be great.
Last I checked you need to configure bits in /etc/network/interfaces or using networkmanager some how.
I've tried all of that as well.
It's why I am seeking documentation and not forum references.
Headless access for SBCs is a core value. Without this value being recognized the whole game is worthless.
And damn annoying as well.
I've tried serial gadgets, uart access, nothing works.
I use just about all my units headless. I don't use OTG all that much though other than when testing the feature.
Bullseye build worked before kernel update. I decided to do a fresh install with bookworm so it would be a clean install with out issues and as I said it's been three days.
I don't really see how it would be distro related. If anything I would think kernel related.
By default the g_serial module is loaded in modules-load.d. That never shows up either.
Feels as though the build is not compiling in the modules so, they aren't there to load.
Please let him know his builds are wasting cycles.
https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m2-zero says: * Minimal images have very small footprint. They come only with essential packages and build-in systemd-networkd. They are optimised for automation and production deployments.
Yet, it does not look like this is the case.
I am sure he is making great techno though. 8)