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[Discord] <foxusiai> switching to current kernel seems to have broken the gpu acceleration in jellyfin. what are the proper packages to use / how to set it up?
[Discord] <Werner> this is to be expected for rk35xx boards. vendor works best in that matter.
[Discord] <foxusiai> hm. unfortunate
[Discord] <foxusiai> what is the best place to follow development for this?
[Discord] <Werner> I'd say collabora mainlina status sheet
[Discord] <mecoblock> don’t expect to be able to use jellyfin / hw encoders on mainline any time soon. Probably 2 years out if we’re lucky. But rkmpp works really great for that usecase nowadays
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[Discord] <foxusiai> jellyfin rkmpp instructions say vendor kernel is required? I'm confused
[Discord] <mecoblock> It is, current/edge is mainline. Vendor/legacy is with rockchip extras
[Discord] <foxusiai> right, i understood as much. your message made it sound like rkmpp somehow allows use on mainline
[Discord] <mecoblock> I meant for hw acceleration ^^
[Discord] <foxusiai> alright
[Discord] <menu> i should test mainline again
[Discord] <tr9x> I'm reaching out to you with a problem I'm experiencing on my OPI5b. I downloaded Armbian 24.11.2 Bookworm Minimal and installed the KDE desktop environment using tasksel. However, I do not have 3D acceleration. Before installation, I changed the entry in the armbianEnv.txtfile to fdtfile=rockchip/rk3588s-orangepi-5b.dtb. Do I need to change anything in any Plasma configuration file now?
[Discord] <efectn> Which kernel are you using
[Discord] <q4a> I'm using edge kernel on rock 5b. HDMI0 works fine, but I would like to have HDMI sound (currently only 3.5 jack audio working)
[Discord] <monkablyat> iirc there is no hdmi audio yet on rk3588 edge kernel
[Discord] <q4a> Also if anyone interested - I found project that looks like armbian but used Arch and has less supported boards: